Growing broccoli in the open - secrets of care and planting

Broccoli is considered one of the most useful vegetables for people, as it contains many vitamins, minerals and other substances. Growing broccoli in the open field is carried out in compliance with a number of agrotechnical rules. You can plant it with seeds and seedlings.

How to plant broccoli in open ground?

The size of the crop is directly dependent on the correct location for planting. It is important that the site is well ventilated and sunny, so cabbage needs light for at least 6 hours.

  1. The instructions on how to plant broccoli in open ground indicate that the land should be loose and neutral. A small alkalization is also acceptable. With increased acidity, add lime to the soil.
  2. It is not recommended to plant a vegetable culture on the territory where other varieties of cabbage, radish, tomatoes and radish used to grow, but potatoes, cucumbers and grains are considered to be good predecessors.
  3. In one place, broccoli can be grown no more than one season.

Planting broccoli in the open ground with seeds

Presented vegetable culture can be planted immediately on the street, and the plants will be healthier than when using seedlings. It should be noted that the planting material, which was pre-treated, it will withstand the cold to -7 ° C. There are a number of tips on how to properly plant broccoli seeds in open ground:

  1. First, it is necessary to prepare the planting material, so that it will sprout more actively, less ache and give a good harvest. It is recommended to soak the seeds for 8 hours using a pale solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 1 l). Still it is possible to soak seeds within a day in a solution of wood ashes (1 item a spoon on 1 l). After that, rinse them and dry them.
  2. Dig out holes 0.5x0.5 m in size and dump seeds into the soil by 1.5 cm. After that, be sure to pour well. It is recommended to cover the top with a film to create greenhouse conditions and protect from pests. A week later, the first shoots will appear, and when they get stronger you can remove the shelter. Be sure to dilute the plantations, leaving only the strongest specimens. Broccoli will rip open in August and September.

How to plant broccoli in the open ground with seedlings?

Many people prefer to grow the plant with pre-prepared seedlings. This method of landing is considered more reliable, and it takes into account the following recommendations:

  1. For planting cabbage broccoli seedlings in the open ground, it is necessary to pre-seed the seeds at home using the largest and healthy specimens. In the pots, put a drainage layer and fill them with neutral soil. The furrows should be 1.5 cm deep, moisten them and plant the seeds so that there is about 15 cm between them. Compact the ground and place the containers in a cool place where the temperature will first be 16 ° C and then 8 ° C. Avoid direct sunlight. After the appearance of a minimum of five leaves (in most cases it's 35 days after planting), you can transfer seedlings to the open ground.
  2. The depth of the holes should be 20-25 cm and the diameter 3-4 cm. More than half of the stem should be below the ground level. Abundantly water the wells and make the first top dressing.

The scheme of planting broccoli in the open ground

For rapid development, it is necessary to properly plant seedlings and seeds. The scheme for planting broccoli in open ground indicates that there should be a distance of 0.5 m between the beds. Between the bushes located in the row, leave 40x60 cm or 30x70 cm. If using a two-row tape method, consider the distance 30x (90 + 50 ) cm.

Dates of planting broccoli in the open ground

In order for the plant to start, it is important to plant it properly. To obtain seedlings, the sowing of the material should take place in the second part of March. If you are interested in planting broccoli in the open ground with seeds, then remember that a good time comes in late May and lasts until early June. Depending on the variety, the seedlings, which have 5-7 leaves, are planted as follows:

  1. If the varieties are early, then the right time is from the end of April to the beginning of the next month.
  2. Grades of medium ripeness are recommended to be planted in the period from the second half of May to the beginning of June.
  3. When planting late varieties, choose the time from the end of July to the beginning of August.

How to grow broccoli in open field?

Care for the presented vegetable culture is simple and it includes familiar gardeners procedures. Regular watering, fertilizing, weeding, hilling and loosening are important for proper growth.

  1. Secrets of growing broccoli indicate that young plants need to be mulched , so that it will be possible to preserve moisture, prevent the appearance of weeds and overheating of the root system.
  2. After irrigation, you must loosen the soil to saturate it with oxygen.
  3. Many gardeners spend hilling the bushes to provoke the formation of lateral roots.
  4. Note that after cutting the central head while properly growing broccoli in the open ground, the side shoots grow quickly, so do not pull out the bush, as you can harvest an extra crop.

How does broccoli flower in the open?

If cabbage overripe, then the head appears yellow flowers, it is already unfit for food. Understanding how to grow broccoli outdoors, you need to specify that it can cause premature appearance of flowers:

  1. It is important not to be late with the planting of the vegetable culture, since the air temperature values ​​are of great importance when growing. If they rise above 25 ° C, the broccoli will go into color.
  2. It is best to choose early varieties, because the quality of the crop is affected by precocity.
  3. If the heads are still flowering, then growing broccoli outdoors involves removing the color and loosening the soil. Then the chance that the side heads will grow significantly.

When pritenyat cabbage broccoli in the open ground?

The hot summer sun can damage the plant and worsen the yield of broccoli, therefore it is recommended to include one mandatory procedure - shelter of the heads. When the heads begin to ripen, they need to be shaded, shutting off from the hot sun. Use for this purpose cut from the bushes leaves. If broccoli is grown outdoors without this procedure, then the heads will be small and disheveled.

Growing broccoli in the country - the features of watering

In most cases, irrigate the ground once a week, but if the air temperature rises above 25 ° C, the bushes require more frequent moistening. Care for cabbage broccoli in the open ground includes copious watering, but the water should not stagnate, otherwise rotting of the roots is possible. In hot weather it is recommended to spray the plant in the evening.

Top dressing of broccoli in open field

On the condition of the plant it is easy to find out which substances are not enough for it, so if the lower leaves turn yellow and growth slows, then there is a lack of nitrogen. If there is little potassium, then the leaves become reddish, and their edges dry. For fertilizers the presented vegetable culture perfectly reacts, and spend top dressing in some stages.

  1. To begin with, it is worth finding out what to fertilize the broccoli cabbage in the open ground immediately after planting, so at this time infusion of mullein , given the proportion with water 1:10.
  2. Next time, fertilizers are brought about two weeks after the first procedure. Dilute the slurry with water, taking into account the proportion of 1: 4. Fertilizer pour under the root.
  3. Growing broccoli in the open field includes a third top dressing and it is carried out when the inflorescences are formed. To make a solution, mix 1 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate with 5 liters of water. The presented volume is enough for 10 plants.
  4. The final feeding is carried out after the head is cut to form lateral shoots. Use complex fertilizer.

When to cut broccoli outdoors?

Harvest can be collected after 3-4 months. after sowing seeds. It all depends on the variety and place of cultivation. Over the summer season, you can collect more than one harvest, because after cutting the central head, lateral shoots are built up. The rules for growing broccoli indicate that it is better to shoot heads in the morning, when they have the most juice. Note that you do not need to wait for the time when the head gets a lot of weight, because while it's green, it's more delicious. The first crop should be stored about a week in the refrigerator, and the subsequent is suitable for long-term preservation.

Growing broccoli in the open - disease

Care of vegetable culture is sometimes complicated by the appearance of certain diseases, for the removal of which special procedures are necessary. Growing broccoli in the open ground can be accompanied by such problems:

  1. Blackleg. More often affects seedlings, softening the necks of seedlings, which leads to softening and blackening of the stem. The diseased plants are removed, and the soil is poured with a solution of potassium permanganate, using 3-4 g for 10 liters of water for it. After this, the seedlings are not moistened for a week.
  2. Bel. If care for broccoli in open soil is not carried out according to the rules, then there is a raid similar to oil paint. Painful bushes should be removed, and the remaining plants are treated with copper-containing preparations.
  3. White rot. The disease manifests itself in different ways, for example, there may be spiderweb and rotting of the stem. To deal with it, treat broccoli with medications that contain copper.
  4. Vascular bacteriosis. The disease is determined by the yellowing edges of the leaves, which darken through time. Bushes should be treated with the drug "Planrys" or "Trichodermin"

Broccoli pests in the open ground

In order to protect the presented vegetable culture from the attack of pests, it is recommended to carry out treatment with infusion from stems and foliage of tomatoes or potatoes as prevention. If you do not take into account the peculiarities of growing broccoli, then it is possible to attack such pests :

  1. Cabbage fly. From the moment of planting, it is important to check the plant for the appearance of fly eggs, and if they are found, then it is necessary to pick them off with the ground from the stem and pour in fresh soil, high-bogging the plant. In order not to attack the cabbage flies, sprinkle the soil around the tobacco dust.
  2. Cabbage aphids. When growing broccoli in the open field, the appearance of this pest may occur, to combat which it is necessary to manually remove the aphids.
  3. Whitecaps. Insects lay eggs on the bottom of the cabbage leaf, which must be removed manually. To scare off butterflies, it is recommended to stumble on pegs, which should be slightly higher than cabbage, an empty egg shell.