Postoperative treatment

Even completely getting rid of acne and subcutaneous inflammations, sometimes you have to remember about them every day, looking in the mirror. This is due to the scars, scars and pigment spots left over from purulent acne. Eliminate them is helped by effective post-acne treatment, which can be performed in various ways. With a mild degree of skin damage, it's enough to do it on your own, but more serious scars require professional help.

Treatment of post acne in the home

Small scars and residual phenomena of acne can be removed by yourself. It is necessary to apply regularly and for a long time, at least 3-6 months, apply a special cream for post-acne treatment:

Treatment of post acne in a cosmetologist

Stains and acne scars of moderate severity are not amenable to therapy by the following procedures:

The complex of necessary procedures, their frequency and duration is selected by a dermatologist and a cosmetologist. The listed techniques can be alternated and combined to achieve a more pronounced effect.

Post laser treatment

In severe cases, the use of local drugs and even hardware cosmetology procedures is not enough. Therefore, to eliminate deep scars and scars Laser treatment of post acne is recommended.

The essence of technology is skin resurfacing. Dose radiation from the laser with individually selected wavelength, intensity and duration is sent to the damaged areas. Due to this effect, the epidermis layer above the scar is simultaneously removed and the growth of healthy skin cells is stimulated. After treatment, the affected areas slowly heal, and in the place of the scars a normal tissue is formed.

Laser treatment involves a course of 8-10 procedures, between which a break is made for 2-4 weeks. The duration of therapy directly depends on the skin condition.