What is the dream of the icon of the Mother of God?

Many mysterious phenomena are connected with the icons, for example, the moment when the icon begins to melt is considered a sign from above. Great importance was given to dreams, in which images of saints appeared. For correct interpretation it is necessary to take into account not only the main object, but also other seen symbols.

What is the dream of the icon of the Mother of God?

In most cases, such a dream, serves as an indication that a person at the moment needs help and support. The dreamer feels weak and worried, not knowing how to get out of the situation. Night vision, where the dreamer not only prays, but kisses the icon - this is a good symbol , indicating the receipt of the patronage of the Almighty. A broken icon in a dream is an unfavorable sign that predicts the emergence of many problems and trials. In some cases, such a dream predicts the death of a loved one. If the dreamer sees an icon received as a gift, then soon he will have a patron who will protect in difficult situations. The dream in which the icon of the world flows, indicates that with the help of faith a dreamer can get rid of many problems.

Why dream of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan?

Such a dream indicates the opportunity to establish contact with the right people. For people who are engaged in business, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God promises the conclusion of promising business contracts. If the dreamer prayed before such an icon, then you can count on support in an important matter. We'll figure out what it means, if it's a dream to look at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God - this is a good sign, indicating the right choice in the future. For single girls such a dream promises a quick and happy marriage. Night vision, where I had to buy an icon, warned that one should not count on the support of friends in the near future.

Why do you dream about many of the icons of the Mother of God?

A few icons in a dream portend a quick fun. If a dreamer saw icons in his house - this is a good sign, which means the occurrence of joyful events. Night vision, where many icons were in the church, indicates happiness , but for this you will have to cope with emotional experiences.

What is the dream of the illuminated icon of the Mother of God?

Such a plot is considered a favorable sign, which promises happiness and tranquility. The dream in which it was necessary to kiss the luminous icon means salvation from temptation and from the commission of sin.