Perforated ulcer

A perforated ulcer is a severe form of complication of the stomach and duodenum ulcers, which is life-threatening. It often develops in men, especially in the autumn or spring period, which is associated with a seasonal exacerbation of the underlying disease. The frequency of appearance of perforation is also affected by the mental and emotional state of people: thus, during wars or economic crises, doctors register this disease 2 times more often than in normal times.

People who have peptic ulcer disease and who do not follow a diet are at great risk of getting a perforated ulcer unlike those patients who adhere to the correct diet and observe mental calm.

The causes of perforated ulcers

There are several reasons that contribute to the development of such complications of peptic ulcer disease:

Perforated ulcer - symptoms

Signs of a perforated ulcer can be divided into three stages.

  1. The first lasts about 6 hours, it is called the "stage of pain shock," because during this period the patient feels an acute pain in the abdominal region. Patients compare it to a dagger blow: it is a sharp, severe and sharp pain. At this time, vomiting may occur, the patient is difficult to get up, his skin is pale and cold sweat may appear. Breathing is rapid and superficial, with deep inspiration, pain arises, blood pressure is lowered, but the pulse remains within the limits of the norm: 73-80 beats per minute. With the perforated ulcer of the duodenum, the abdominal muscles are strained, so the feeling is difficult.
  2. In the second stage, which occurs after 5-6 hours, the patient develops an imaginary improvement: the acuity of pain decreases, the abdominal muscles cease to be strained, and the general state of health suggests that the disease has receded. But, those who are next to the patient, you need to pay attention to his behavior, tk. developing peritonitis can give tachycardia, a sense of euphoria, a growing bloating and a delay in the stool. In this period, leukocytosis begins to progress.
  3. The third stage begins in 10-12 hours and the clinical picture corresponds to diffuse peritonitis. At this time it is difficult to determine what caused such a state of health, so it is important to pass on to the attending physician all the details of the preceding symptoms.

Treatment of perforated ulcers

Treatment of perforated stomach ulcers begins in the surgical department. Until then, the doctor examines the patient: he feels his stomach, interrogates him, prescribes an X-ray.

In severe conditions, inhalation of oxygen is done, infusion therapy is performed, analgesics (non-narcotic) are injected.

When confirming the perforated ulcer, an operation is performed in front of which the patient is injected with a probe to purify the stomach and the bladder is catheterized. Anesthetics are then injected and the operating field is treated with disinfectants.

Sewing perforated ulcer is carried out with diffuse peritonitis (usually if medical care has not been used for more than 6 hours since the beginning of development of the perforated ulcer).

Diet after perforated ulcers

It is very important after the operation to observe a special diet for several months.

With a perforated ulcer, simple carbohydrates, salt and liquid can not be taken in large amounts. A few days after the operation, the patient can be given mineral non-carbonated water, fruit jelly and tea. Then you can give a few boiled and chopped eggs a day, as well as a little vegetable soup, mashed potatoes.

10 days after the operation, the patient is given a mashed potatoes, as well as a boiled pumpkin and carrots. All food should be soft, not spicy, not salty, not greasy. Bread is allowed to be added to the menu only after a month.

From the diet exclude muffins and dishes from the liver, lungs and kidneys, as well as smoked products, spicy seasonings and mushrooms.