Feijoa with sugar - recipes for delicious blanks for the winter

A jar of useful feijoa preparations with sugar, the recipe of which is presented in various variations below, may be very appropriate if you need to raise immunity or cope with the infection. In addition, a high content of iodine, other valuable elements and vitamins will fill their deficiency in the body and support the necessary balance.

Feijoa with sugar - a recipe for the winter

Berries from South America are greenish in many encyclopedias called Aska Sellova. But their charm is not in this. Procurement is so useful that it is even used in dietary nutrition of patients, increasing vitality and improving the performance of all body systems. The most valuable is feijoa, rubbed with sugar, the recipe of which is extremely simple. With its implementation even the beginning hostess will cope.

Feijoa mashed with sugar

If you do not know how to make feijoa with sugar through a meat grinder, check out this version of a sweet vitamin snack. From it you will learn the correct ratio of sugar and feijoa, which is important, since not only taste, but also the safety of a treat that will not be subjected to any heat treatment depends on observing the right proportions. If desired, you can add crushed walnuts to the finished delicacy, which will give it originality and additional flavor.



  1. Preparation of feijoa with sugar begins with the preparation of berries.
  2. Fruits wash, cut off their dry tails, cut the flesh in half or into slices.
  3. The metal parts of the meat grinder are scalded with boiling water and twisted with the device prepared green halves.
  4. Fill the resulting pulp with sugar, mix and put for twenty-four hours on the shelf of the refrigerator, from time to time mixing.
  5. They spread out the delicacy in jars, cover them loosely with lids and clean them for storage in the cold.

Feijoa with sugar and lemon - recipe

You learned how to cook feijoa with sugar in its pure form. But it's delicious, but not the most ideal version of sweetness. The most important is the billet with lemon. Citrus not only changes its taste qualities for the better, but also increases the vitamin value of the product. In addition, the acidity of the fruit, the juice of which has some preservative properties, allows you to halve the amount of sweets used. How to twist feijoa with sugar, is described in detail in the instructions below.



  1. Prepared green specimens, spared with scissors or a knife from dry villi, cut into halves or quarters and passed through a meat grinder along with a lemon.
  2. Citrus pre-boil in boiling water for a minute and get rid of pits.
  3. The resulting vitamin substance is combined with sugar and mixed until dissolved.
  4. The prepackaged blank is removed in the cold.

Feijoa with sugar in a blender

Further on how to rub the feijoa with sugar using a blender. Having a device with a capacious bowl, this will be convenient and easy. The advantage of the variant is that it is possible to adjust the final texture of the treats by increasing or decreasing the processing time of the fruit slices in the container of the device. Small portions of berries can immediately be sweetened in a blender, which will accelerate the process of dissolution of crystals.



  1. Fruit wash, cut the tails and cut the flesh in half or quarter.
  2. Fresh pieces are ground in a blender and mix the resulting mashed potatoes with sweet small crystals.
  3. Stir the mixture for several hours at room conditions, periodically mixing to make the sugar residues melt.
  4. Pack a treat on sterile jars, which are covered with lids and put for storage in the refrigerator.

How to make jam from feijoa with sugar?

Vitamins are always good and the absence of heat treatment in previous technological processes of creating blanks is welcomed. But what to do if there are no suitable conditions for storing a treat or keep it long. Next, we'll figure out how to make jam from feijoa with sugar, which can be left for a long time right in the room.



  1. Fruits relieve dry tails, cut in half, and then into slices.
  2. Berry mass is covered with sugar, pour in water and have a container on the stove.
  3. Heat the mass with continuous stirring until boiling, cook for five minutes and cool.
  4. Again give a boil in boil, boil for five minutes and immediately poured on sterile jars.
  5. The vessels are sealed with hermetically sealed lids and wrapped until completely cooled with something warm.

How to store Feijoa with sugar?

How to prepare feijoa for the winter with sugar, you learned. In this section, information about all the nuances of storing the workpiece. If you decide not to spoil the vitamin palette and have decorated the frayed version of the berries in fresh form without cooking, then in this case it will be necessary to prepare a free space on the refrigerator shelf or in a cold cellar (cellar) with a temperature of no more than five degrees. Even when cooking a concentrated sweet mass, often there are incidents in the form of its fermentation, if the temperature regime is not observed correctly.

Determine how much stored feijoa with sugar, not difficult. Practice has shown that even when stored in a refrigerator such a stock remains fresh without visible changes in taste and quality for not more than three months. Jam, cooked on a stove, can be stored for a year.