Liquid smoke - composition

For home smoking and marinating, a product such as liquid smoke is very convenient. The composition of the additive is completely artificial and with real smoke has nothing to do. According to the official classification, it refers to flavoring substances, and in appearance it is a concentrated substance of brown color, which can be liquid or dry. One drop of it is enough to give the meat or fish a light taste and smell of natural smoking. For a stronger effect, you can add more concentrate. Ready meal, it almost does not add extra energy value , because caloric content of liquid smoke is only 0.1 kcal.

How do liquid smoke?

For the first time in the laboratory, this substance was obtained in the 19th century, but then it was obtained by distilling the products of burning charcoal. That is, such a liquid smoke was not synthetic, but was a natural substance. But today it is done differently, that's why the chemical composition consists exclusively of liquid smoke. That of what liquid smoke consists, it is quite possible to name "acidic concentrate" to which carbonyl and phenolic substances are admixed also. It also contains water and dyes. But here there are no harmful tar and tar, which are presented in the composition of natural smoke, and which inevitably settle on the meat with natural smoking.

What can replace the liquid smoke?

Although experts also assure that liquid smoke is absolutely safe, many people do not dare to use it because of the completely synthetic composition. But this substance can be replaced with natural ingredients. First, you can smoke the meat in a standard way. Secondly, a concentrated decoction of onion husk can be used to impart lard and smack to fat and meat. In it, the product should be boiled or marinated.