Depression in men

If your men are depressed - your relationship will be quite a difficult period. After all, when one of the two is immersed in the abyss of despondency, both partners suffer from this. It becomes impossible to have pleasant, carefree evenings in each other's company, a person concentrates so much on himself and his troubles that he has nothing to talk about. Consider the question of how to get her husband out of depression.

Causes of Male Depression

At first it may seem that the man fell into despair for no reason. And yet, depression always has a reason, and it is worth dropping deeper to understand which side to approach to the rehabilitation of your sufferer. So, often men fall into a depressed state for the following reasons:

When you understand why your husband is depressed, you can already go to help. However, as you know, it is very difficult to help a person overcome this condition - if everything is too serious, only a psychologist will help him.

Depression with a man - how to help?

It is best if you act not in a hurry, but with it. If he does not admit to himself such a problem, then he will not be able to cope with it. To begin with, you need to talk to him about what is happening to him, and after that take any action. For example, these are:

  1. Help him learn more about ways to solve his problem. Podsovyvayte articles about earnings on the Internet, etc. - depending on what is his problem.
  2. If his problem lies in his work, help him decide on the dismissal.
  3. Perform relaxing procedures: invite him to take a bath, do a massage, turn on the house relaxing music.
  4. Mark each of his small successes and ignore his mistakes. Support his ideas, help him to believe in himself.
  5. Include nuts, bananas, chocolate, citrus in your family's diet. All this contributes to the development in the body of serotonin - a natural hormone of joy. So it will be easier to overcome depression.
  6. Try to spend time with him the way he likes - organize meetings with friends or cozy warm home evenings.
  7. Find the pros and speak in the situation. Repeat that his happiness is very important to you, as people in a state of depression feel unnecessary and abandoned.
  8. Strive to spend time with him more interesting: tell funny stories, offer trips to kebabs or walks around the city.
  9. Do not blame him for anything, do not tell him that he himself has driven himself into the current situation. It is unlikely that you will amuse him with this. Choose words carefully, provide full understanding.

If you see that a man closes from you, offer him the help of a specialist. Depression is destructive, and the longer it is in this state, the more difficult it will be to get out of it. That is why it is necessary to help not when everything is already very bad, but when the situation is just beginning. And most importantly, show that you are wholehearted with him.