Orthostatic hypotension

The problem of orthostatic hypotension is associated with a sudden change in pressure. You must have experienced it for yourself. In the article below we describe the features of orthostatic hypotension, the causes of its occurrence and the ways of treatment.

Orthostatic hypotension - what is it?

Many at least once in their lives, but noticed something unusual for their bodies: during a sharp change of position (rising from the bed, sharply crouching or rising) in the eyes darkens, the head begins to spin , and the general condition is very similar to the presyncope. This is orthostatic hypotension.

As such, it can not be called a disease. This is, rather, a disorder in the work of vessels that can not maintain a constant level of blood pressure. So, for example, when a person gets up, a certain amount of blood is collected under the gravity in the lower extremities. Because of this, less blood is returned to the heart, and blood pressure is sharply reduced. Hence, darkening in the eyes, and dizziness, and other unpleasant frightening, characterizing orthostatic hypotension and its symptoms.

The causes of orthostatic hypotension

The reasons for which there is hypotension, can be quite a lot:

  1. Sharp pressure drops can be observed after taking medications that affect the cardiovascular system.
  2. Very often, attacks of hypotension occur in people even after a short bed rest.
  3. Orthostatic hypotension can be observed with severe blood loss, administration accompanied by vomiting. Even after taking diuretics, symptoms of hypotension appear.
  4. People who abuse alcohol and nicotine, flies in the eyes (caused by orthostatic hypotension) see more often than others.

Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension may also occur - this is an uncertain problem. In most cases, the cause is neuralgia. An alternative name for the disease is Shay-Drageer's syndrome. Often because of idiopathic orthostatic hypotension, people have to change their habits: change their gait, choose new positions for sitting.

Orthostatic hypotension - treatment and prevention

Now that you know what orthostatic hypotension is and have found a logical explanation for why sometimes sharp changes in position can darken in the eyes, it's time to talk about the treatment and prevention of trouble.

Naturally, since the disease is associated with blood vessels and pressure, the first recommendation is a healthy lifestyle. Better to give up bad habits, sleep seven hours a day, no less, enough time to spend in the fresh air.

Understanding what orthostatic hypotension is, curing it is much easier. Vessels will be beneficially affected by sports. Training for the Olympic record is not necessary (overdoing, the whole effect can be spoiled), but a well-designed set of exercises will not hurt anyone.

In general, to prescribe a treatment, you need to determine the cause of orthostatic hypotension and that this disease can contribute. Depending on the cause, the form of treatment may differ:

  1. If hypotension has arisen as a consequence of the use of medications, then they must be replaced or completely abolished.
  2. Lezhachim patients need to take into account their weakened state and from the sofa to rise gradually, in several stages.
  3. It is allowed to increase the amount of dietary salt in the diet. Salt well retards water in the body and increases blood pressure . Elderly this method of treatment is categorically contraindicated.