How to treat inflammation of the ovaries?

"What we have, we do not store, we lose our wailing" ... More than anything, one can attribute this folk wisdom to health, and even more so to the health of the woman. How often, after hearing from the doctor the diagnosis of "inflammation of the ovaries," we regret that we did not wave at the time from my mother's grandmother's appeals to sit on the cold, wear warm tights or immediately change wet swimsuit. But you will not help regrets, and you need to decide how to treat the inflammation of the ovaries, until the problem has irreversible consequences, because the most common result of the started inflammatory process in the ovaries is infertility. In addition to being unable to have children, oophoritis brings many problems to the woman, adversely affecting her mental and physical state. Inflammation of the ovaries arises in an organism that has weakened its defense due to hypothermia, overwork, stresses, malnutrition caused by infection. Severe abdominal pain, general weakness, fever, bleeding, acute pain during intercourse - all are signs of ovarian inflammation.

There are several options for treating ovarian inflammation: drug treatment and treatment with folk remedies. The choice of the treatment option depends on the form in which the inflammatory process takes place. Treatment with antibiotics gives excellent results in acute inflammation of the ovaries, while in attempts to treat chronic inflammation, such therapy may not be effective. In any case, a qualified physician should choose the form of treatment and prescribe therapy, because the price of the error in this case is too great.

Folk methods of treatment of ovarian inflammation

  1. Tincture from licorice root . It is necessary to pour 100 grams of dried root with 500 ml of vodka, hide from sunlight and insist on a continuation of 28 days. Periodically tincture should be shaken. After a month, you can take the tincture, previously strained. Dosage: 30 drops twice a day.
  2. Infusion of juniper berries . To a glass of boiling water (250 ml) take 1 tbsp. fully ripened juniper berries. Give an hour to strain, filter. Dosage: 100 ml 2 times a day.
  3. Infusion of aloe juice . It is necessary to mix 2 parts of Cahors, 1 part of honey and 1½ parts of aloe juice, to insist for two days. The received tincture is taken before meals, 2 times a day for 2 tablespoons. Treatment of tincture is carried out for 9 days, taking it on odd days.
  4. Microclyster infusion of chamomile . In a porcelain dish, 1,5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers are brewed, insisted for 20 minutes. The chamomile broth is filtered and injected with a syringe. After the procedure, it takes some time (10 minutes) to lie on your side, waiting for the full absorption of the infusion. To achieve the effect, the procedure should be carried out during the month every evening, and if possible, then in the morning. Before the procedure, a cleansing enema is made.
  5. Tea from the leaves of the wintergreen . The leaves of the wintergreen are rounded and brewed like tea and take a few cups (3-4) throughout the day. To achieve the maximum effect, tea is necessary drink for 2-3 months, while doing enemas with infusion of chamomile.
  6. Infusion of black currant and dogrose . It is necessary to take 1 part of the rose hips and 1 part of the black currant. 1 tablespoon of berry mixture. Pour 1 cup boiling water, set aside for an hour, strain. To drink, adding sugar. Dosage: 100 ml 3 times a day.
  7. Pumpkin juice . Pumpkin is very useful in inflammatory processes in the ovaries. The juice is prepared from a raw pumpkin, passing it through a meat grinder. Squeeze the pulp from the pulp and drink without restrictions on the amount during the day.