Empathy in Psychology

Empathy in psychology is a very complex and multifaceted concept, which means so deep empathy, which borders on the complete identification of oneself with another person. If during the conversation a person is able to completely, in all shades experience the same emotions as his interlocutor, this means that he has a high ability for empathy.

Empathy in communication

Not everyone has a deep sense of empathy, but we sometimes have to show it. The rules of good tone dictate to us to show empathy - to nod, make an appropriate expression in a conversation, etc. Sincere empathy usually occurs between two close people and allows you to feel mutual understanding.

In psychology, there are two types of empathy - it can be emotional and cognitive. Emotional empathy is the ability to empathize with a person on a sensual level, and this is a very profound empathy. The cognitive species allows, through logical thinking, to understand what a person feels at that moment, and through this approach to true empathy.

In secular communication, it is not so important what type of empathy is involved in communication, but between two close people the ability for emotional empathy is very appreciated, because every person wants to see near to oneself who really understands his emotions and is capable of empathy.

Levels of empathy

Empathy is a multi-faceted concept, and within itself it has three subdivisions into levels. Consider them in order.

It is easy to guess that empathy and sympathy are closely related. We reach out to people who understand us well, and repel those who can not understand us. Each person seeks to see near himself such friends who will understand him, like himself.

Exercises for empathy

There are special exercises that allow you to develop empathy. Let's give some examples:

Guess the feeling. People receive cards in which the feeling is indicated, and standing with their backs to the spectators, they need to depict it without words. Cards can be such: anger, sadness, fear, impatience, joy, surprise, anxiety, etc. At the end it is necessary to analyze, as it was possible to guess, without seeing the face.

Carousel. Members of the group stand in two circles: the inner motionless and the outer mobile - this is the carousel. Every time communication Thus it is realized with different people, at the signal the external circle makes a step aside and the pairs are changed by partners. It is suggested to depict such situations (for each of 2-3 minutes):

  1. Before you is a person whom you know, but have not seen for a long time. You are happy with this meeting.
  2. In front of you is a stranger. Meet him ...
  3. Before you a small child, he was frightened of something. Go to him and calm him down.

Such simple exercises in groups allow developing empathy and making a person more open to others.