How many days does the blood go after miscarriage?

Almost every pregnant woman faces the threat of developing a miscarriage. According to statistics, in approximately 7 out of 20 pregnancies, the fetal gestation process ends with spontaneous abortion (miscarriage occurs before the 22nd week of pregnancy).

Bloody discharge after miscarriage is the norm?

Very many women who have experienced miscarriage are interested in how many days after this violation blood is flowing, and why it stands out.

When the fetus in the maternal womb is detached from the placenta, a breach of the integrity of the blood vessels with which it is permeated occurs. As a result, an almost open wound is formed which bleeds. The main task of doctors in this case is to prevent her from becoming infected.

If we talk about how many days after a spontaneous miscarriage goes the blood, then this parameter is individual. In norm, duration should not exceed 5-10 days. In those cases when after a miscarriage the blood goes more than 14 days, it is necessary to address to the gynecologist for consultation. In such situations, there is a high probability of infection of internal reproductive organs, which is observed when part of the fetus remains in the uterus.

Therefore, if a woman bleeds after a miscarriage for a long time and moreover, this condition progresses (lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, headache appear). these signs may indicate the development of internal bleeding.

What affects the duration of discharge after abortion?

In order to answer the question concerning how many days after the miscarriage blood should go, it is necessary to know whether cleaning was carried out or not. The fact is that this manipulation is accompanied by traumatized uterine tissues. As a result, the allocations are more abundant, and often have a longer duration.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account other factors that directly affect how long the blood goes after miscarriage. So, do not have sex, after only a few days. It is necessary to wait 2-3 weeks, and better a month. An increase in the tone of the uterine myometrium only increases the volume of excretions and their duration.

Thus, discharge after miscarriage is the norm. Therefore, a woman should not worry when they appear. The only thing necessary to control their duration, and if they last more than 2 weeks - will seek medical help.