Beige dress

Beige dresses are in great demand among women of all ages and complexions. The style does not really matter, it can be long and conservative forms, refined and fitting models, short beige lace dresses and many others.

We select a beige dress

There is the concept of "classic beige" - mixing brown and white in proportions of 1: 3. It is most often used for a beige knitted dress of a case, but for simple daily things and evening dresses another collection of halftones and shades is created. In this difficult choice it is worth to start from your color. To simplify the "color" problem, designers developed a whole concept:

  1. Young ladies with a golden tinge of skin and blonde hair are suitable neutral, yellow, pink, peach, greenish shades of beige.
  2. Pale-skinned ladies with a cold skin color and ashy hair color should choose brown, lilac, greenish and neutral beige.
  3. Girls with warm skin color and golden hair are ideally suited for peach, yellow, orange shade of beige color.
  4. The owners of porcelain leather and dark hair are advised to give preference to soft shades: peach, pink, green, orange.

Length and Style

Hot summer dictates its rules, but it's also not worth forgetting about fashion. If you want to buy a trendy beige-pink dress on the floor, this does not mean that it will have a parko and discomfort. Remember how women dress in hot eastern countries. Long garments made from light natural fabrics pass air well and create the effect of "ventilation", and beautifully draped fabrics perfectly frame the female forms and shimmer in the wind. Maybe in sorokogradusnuyu heat you will be difficult and unusual, but a long dress is always useful for an evening walk or a festive dinner. Among the festive options often meets a beige dress with an open back, just keep in mind, this style is quite specific and requires an ideal figure.

Undoubtedly, short clothes in the summer are more popular. In addition to the usual knitted, cotton and silk dresses , a beige knitted dress with lace comes into fashion. And do not be afraid of the density of the product. If the mating is made by hook and from natural hygroscopic yarn, you can safely make a purchase.

Unlike everyday dresses, office business clothes often make you bored, but you also want to stay in the spotlight at work. A beautiful beige summer dress with a basque will fix this flaw and make any lady much more attractive, you just need to choose the right form of the Basque.

If you have already bought a laconic light beige dress with a black belt and feel that it looks too simple, then decorate it with an exquisite brooch, a thin chain or a beautiful strap. In a few minutes the banal thing will play with new colors. A modern fashion solution is successfully used by many women.

Monochrome or patterned

Fashion "from the trunk" comes back, and the beige dress in polka dots displaces the primitive cage. Roses on clothes continue to please the eye and surprise with the riot of colors, and monophonic things remain the same in demand.

When it comes to a combination of colors, there are two types: business and free. To strict beige dresses accessories and details of such colors well approach:

Casual beige dresses can be combined with:

A simple combination will make the image brighter and more attractive. The above tips can be used when choosing shoes, jackets, jackets, bags, glasses and other female attributes.