Attack of pancreatitis - symptoms

Attack of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreatic tissues often occurs suddenly, often at night. As a rule, it is preceded by overeating, eating fatty, fried or spicy dishes, alcoholic beverages, as well as stress, physical overstrain.

During an attack, due to the spasm of the ducts of the body, stagnation of the produced enzymes occurs and the start of digestion processes in the gland itself begins. Those. pancreatic tissues begin to be digested, leading to irreversible changes. Therefore, it is necessary to know how it is possible to recognize an attack of pancreatitis, so as soon as possible to stop it.

Signs of an attack of pancreatitis

In general, the symptoms of an attack of acute pancreatitis and recurrence of chronic pancreatitis are the same and include the main manifestations, which we will consider below.

Painful sensations

This is the main symptom, which often begins the attack. Painful sensations in this state are characterized by high intensity and duration, can be characterized as sharp, cutting, girdling, blunt. Epicenter of pain is either in the epigastric region, or in the zone of the left hypochondrium, with irradiation in the shoulder, under the scapula, in the lower back. The pain subsides slightly in the forced position with the legs bent to the stomach. In some cases, the pain syndrome leads to shock, loss of consciousness.

Nausea, vomiting

The pain is usually accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting - at first remnants of undigested food, and then bile. It can also be felt:

Diarrhea (constipation)

Sometimes during an attack, there may be frequent loose stools, in which undigested food remains are present. In other cases, on the contrary, there is a stool retention.

Increased body temperature

The attack can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, more often up to 37-37.5 ° C, feverish condition. If the temperature rises to 38 ° C or higher, this may indicate the development of a purulent process and inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis).

Manifestations of body intoxication

Headache and muscle pain, severe weakness, rapid heart rate. It can also be observed:

The appearance of the above signs requires immediate call of an ambulance, hospitalization of the patient.