Baby's diet in 9 months - menu and rules of complementary feeding

Nine-month age is a new stage in the development of the baby, when it becomes even more active, has already 4-6 teeth, and the glands in his body produce all the required digestive enzymes. This means that the child's diet at 9 months should be updated, according to new needs.

What can you feed your baby in 9 months?

Before the parents, the question arises of what to feed the child in 9 months to provide it with everything necessary. Age features dictate new rules for diet, diet and form of dishes. Mom's milk or milk formula still occupies an important place in the baby's diet at 9 months, they are not able to fully meet the physiological needs of the baby.

The baby's diet at 9 months should be selected so that he develops the skills of chewing and swallowing solid foods. Under the influence of a dense consistency of dishes, the child will have ripening of the gastrointestinal tract, development of chewing muscles, and bite formation. It should be remembered that the mucous organs of digestion in crumbs are still very vulnerable and are not adapted to absorb raw food. You can already teach the child to bite off pieces during a meal, drink from a mug.

What to introduce into the lure in 9 months?

In children, a diet at 9 months is permissible to replenish the fish - marine and freshwater. It is a valuable product containing useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, microelements, essential amino acids. The best way to introduce into lure at 9 months is suitable for such varieties: perch, pike perch, cod, hake, merlusa, pollock. It is recommended to cook steaming or boil. The norm is 10-40 g a day, once or twice a week.

It should be borne in mind that this product has allergenic properties, and should be offered to his baby with extreme caution. For the first time, it is better to give fish for breakfast in the minimum dose to track the reaction throughout the day. In the case when a crumb refuses an unfamiliar dish, you do not have to insist, but it's better to try again after one or two weeks.

In addition, the supplementary feeding norms for a child at 9 months provide for the following foods in the diet:

What to feed a baby in 9 months at night?

At this age, most babies are already quietly and firmly sleeping all night. Nutrition of the child at 9 months of artificial and natural feeding at night is no longer required, and if this has not already been done, the crumb should be weaned from night feeding. Some transfer the transition to a new regime quietly, while others take more time and patience on the part of their parents for this.

Remember that if a crumb does not sleep well at night, cries, it does not necessarily mean he wants to eat. Try to turn the baby to another barrel, pat on the tummy, stay a little side by side. You can give him a little drink water. If nothing helps, maybe the reason is really related to hunger. Then it is recommended to increase the volume of daytime complementary foods (but do not continue to feed at night).

Nutrition of the baby for 9 months on breastfeeding

Mother's milk for babies of this age should be 25-30% of the total daily volume of food. In this case, give the breast is recommended in the morning after waking up and at night, arranging a light breakfast and dinner. Lure feeding at 9 months of breastfeeding is varied and accounts for most of the diet, providing the crumb with a sufficient supply of energy.

From pureed vegetable food is recommended to go to crushed (knead with a fork). Minced meat can be grinded once, cooking steam cutlets, meatballs. Kashi is permissible not to be made from chopped cereal powder, but from crushed grains, but at the same time it is good to boil them. Salt and sugar, spices still add to the dish should not be.

Menu in 9 months with breastfeeding

To make it easier for mothers to imagine what to feed a child in 9 months, an approximate general menu is given, divided into four feedings:

  1. Porridge on water with milk or cottage cheese plus fruit, juice.
  2. Vegetable soup with meat or fish or vegetable puree with a meat or fish dish, plus compote, juice or jelly.
  3. Puree from fruits or vegetables, fruit dessert.
  4. Kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese plus biscuits, bread, breadcrumbs.

Nutrition of the baby for 9 months on artificial feeding

Lure in 9 months with artificial feeding does not differ from additional dishes with natural feeding. The adjusted mixture should be 25-30%. To ensure that the baby's diet at 9 months was full and eaten with pleasure, every day the meals should be different, selected according to the preferences of a small gourmet.

Menu at 9 months with artificial feeding

It is advisable to plan the menu for the little girl for a week, so that you can prepare everything you need to prepare tasty and nutritious dishes. If the mother has time, it is better to prepare meals yourself, rather than constantly using ready-made jars. Let's give a balanced approximate diet of a child in 9 months for a week in the form of a table.

Day of the week


Afternoon snack


Rice porridge with butter, compote

Potato soup with meatballs made of veal, bread, apricot juice

Assorted fruits

Cottage cheese, biscuits


Oatmeal with vegetable oil, tea

Soup with mashed potatoes with chicken, rusk, kissel

Apple-Pumpkin Puree

Kefir, bread

Cottage cheese with fruit and biscuits, mors

Mashed potatoes with broccoli, fish steamed chicken, compote

Biscuits, tea

Yogurt, cracker


Buckwheat porridge with yolk, compote

Rabbit meatballs, green peas puree with vegetable oil, pear juice

Puree from mix of vegetables and fruits

Curd-banana pudding with a manga


Corn porridge, boiled on water with milk and with pumpkin, compote

Puree of turkey with a vegetable mix for a couple, grated cucumber, tea

Baked apple

Kefir, cookies


Cottage cheese with crushed raisins, tea

Finely chopped boiled beets, carrots and potatoes, chicken and butter puree

Puree from apricot, apple and pear

Yogurt, bread


Manna porridge with jelly, tea

Fish soup with wheat flour, pounded cauliflower, compote

Assorted fruits

Kefir, cookies

How to properly feed a child in 9 months?

The baby's diet at 9 months is approved taking into account that the baby sleeps 1-2 times in the day (about 1.5 hours), has a full night's sleep and receives Mom's milk or milk mixture twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. You need to feed the child in a high chair from a spoon, slowly accustoming yourself to eating and eating utensils.

How many times to feed a baby in 9 months?

An important question is how much the baby eats in 9 months. The entire amount of food without taking into account the fluid used should be at least a liter per day. In this case, the lure at 9 months with breastfeeding and artificial feeding is administered in 3-4 meals, and 2 feedings are given for breast milk / mixture. The daily ration of a child at 9 months is distributed so that between meals there are intervals of about 4 hours.

A child at 9 months does not eat enough food

When it is 9 months old for a child, the nutrition of the breasts or mixtures must be complemented by complementary feeding. If he persistently refuses new food, you should think about what it can be connected with. Perhaps you are not feeding properly, and the child is experiencing negative emotions, or his teething , hot weather, something else. It is advisable to consult a doctor, and in the future, to encourage the crumb to receive "adult" food, use these recommendations:

  1. Before eating, the baby should be slightly hungry.
  2. Arrange family meals at the same table.
  3. Demonstrate crumbs to your enjoyment of eating.
  4. Beautifully and interestingly decorate dishes.
  5. Praise your child for every spoon you eat.