A remedy for the Colorado beetle - how to choose the best?

In trying to find the right remedy for the Colorado beetle, you need to test every year on the beds various methods, remembering grandmother's recipes and getting acquainted with the assortment of insecticides in the trade network. The insect is so successfully accustomed to any chemistry that a couple of years after the tests, many drugs become completely useless.

What does the Colorado beetle look like?

Throughout life, this insect significantly changes the shape and color of the trunk, continuing to harm the nightshade cultures, so it is desirable to know what the Colorado beetle and its larvae look like at all stages. These creatures are derived from light orange eggs, which the female lays on the inside of the leaf of the plant. Considering that during the season one individual is able to produce a thousand eggs and receive three generations in a warm region, in the absence of a good remedy for the Colorado beetle, its offspring can infect huge territory.

Tiny larvae have bright orange soft covers, as they grow back they turn pale and on the body appear black rows arranged in rows. In the first stage, the larva has dimensions up to 2.4 mm, at the last stage it often grows up to 9 mm long. Adult individuals have an ovoid shape, have a length of 7 mm to 12 mm. They can easily be distinguished from other insects by yellow-orange strong elytra, adorned with black longitudinal stripes.

Folk remedies from the Colorado potato beetle

On an industrial scale, a huge amount of various solutions and powders from insects is produced, but immunity is produced in the course of time for an insatiable creation with all preparations. It must be remembered that absolutely effective systemic poisons during cultivation in recent periods of vegetation are absorbed into the tops and tubers of plants, threatening a person with serious poisoning. An alternative is the mechanical destruction of the larvae and adult Colorado beetle, an attempt to fight it with folk remedies.

Harmless methods of combating Colorado beetles:

  1. A popular remedy for the Colorado beetle is chopped wood ash, dusting is carried out in the morning on damp leaves wet from dew. Processing is done once for 14 days.
  2. Some vegetable growers replace ash with cement or gypsum, claiming that building mixtures kill the larvae of gluttonous creatures.
  3. Another material that is suitable for the dusting of potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants is cornmeal. Cellulose of corn swells in the gastric tract of the pest and leads to death.
  4. If the garden is small and there are woodworking waste in the farm, then it is possible to use sawdust to repel the beds. The smell of pine needles or other crushed wood scattered between the bushes, causes the beetles to fly around the garden.
  5. As a remedy for the Colorado beetle, decoctions based on plant raw materials were always used. You can perfectly fight our enemy with an aqueous solution of birch tar (100g / 10l).
  6. A decoction of celandine leaves, which you need to boil in boiling water for 15 minutes, will do. We prepare the resulting preparation in the proportion of 0.5 l / 10 l of water.
  7. We take 200g of horsetail and dandelion leaves, cook them in a 10 l bucket for 15 minutes, after cooling, we dilute in a proportion of 0.5 l / 10 l of water.
  8. Remedy for Colorado beetle from wormwood - stir 300g of chopped grass with a glass of ash, we insist composition up to 3 hours in a bucket of water, we use for spraying bushes.
  9. Broth of bitter pepper - 100 g of powder boil until 2 hours in 10 liters of water, a soap solution is added to the sprayer before use.
  10. Infusion of garlic - 200 g of crushed raw material should be poured into a bucket of water and infused for 24 hours. To achieve a better effect, add 40g of soap.
  11. Kilogram stepsons of tomatoes are cut in small pieces, we insist in 10 liters of water until 5 o'clock. We use the preparation from the Colorado beetle in the proportion of 1: 5, before sprinkling, pour 3 spoons of liquid detergent into the apparatus.
  12. Tobacco infusion - for two days, we insist 0.5 kg of crushed stems in a bucket of water, dilute 1: 2, add soap solution before use.

Preparations from the Colorado potato beetle

In spring and in the beginning of summer, precisely following the waiting times, in addition to biological methods, any effective chemical preparations can be safely used. In the question of how to get rid of the Colorado beetle, compounds based on imidacloprid, cypermethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and thiamethoxam are more often used. Chemical production is constantly evolving, periodically new kinds of powders and solutions appear on the market that can quickly cope with striped gluttons.

Corado from the Colorado beetle

To destroy the Colorado potato beetle and fight it, there is a preparation of Korado, developed by the Indian company Meghmani Organics Limited. This insecticide is developed on the basis of imidacloprid, is supplied in ampoules of 1 ml or bottles of 10 ml and 25 ml, which is convenient for owners of small areas. The average dosage for Colorado beetles is 1 ml per 4-5 liters, but the concentration of the solution and the rules for its use should be checked on the package. With qualitative processing, the death of insects on beds is up to 100%. Be sure to observe the waiting period of 20 days.

Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle

With insects, you can fight, as by spraying beds on the green leaf, and by pickling the tubers before planting. For the second method, poison from the Colorado beetle called Prestige, which is both an insecticide and a fungicide with a third class of toxicity, is suitable. 30 ml of the remedy is sufficient to treat 30 kg of tubers, the aqueous solution is made in a proportion of 1:10 or 1:20. Fungicid pencicuron from scab and other harmful fungi lasts up to 40 days, and poison from beetles imidacloprid - up to 60 days.

Zhukoyed from the Colorado beetle

Considering different methods how to deal with the Colorado potato beetle, it is worth paying attention to Zhukoyed, which contains effective active substances alpha-cypermethrin, imidacloprid and clotianidine. Alpha-cypermethrin is a contact chemical that kills harmful creatures instantly. Imidacloprid and clotianidine are systemic agents well absorbed in the leaves and stems of solanaceous plants, which last for a long time even in the rainy season. Concentrated suspension is diluted at a rate of 1.5 ml per 3 liters.

Apache from the Colorado beetle

In solving the problem, how to deal with the Colorado beetle, a remedy for insects with the warlike name Apache, developed by specialists of the Japanese corporation Sumitomo Chemical, works well. It is delivered in packs of 2.5 g of foil material, for large farms there are voluminous packages of 25-50 sachets. The main active substance is clotyanidine, dilute the solution in the proportion of 0.5 g / 1 l of water. To treat the soil under the bushes, mix 1 g of insecticide with 1 liter of water. Advantage of Apache - it is allowed to combine with other pesticides and stimulants.

Killer from the Colorado beetle

In the search for a good poison that will help to solve the bothersome problem, than to poison the Colorado potato beetle, it is advisable to choose the combined preparations. The main active substances in the killer are chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin. The most popular packaging - ampoules of 1.3 mg with granules, which is enough to get a solution of 8 liters of water. The poison causes paralysis and death of all insects within 2 days, but the tuber does not penetrate the pesticide. The beds after treatment with the killer remain under protection for up to 3 weeks.

Executioner from the Colorado beetle

The struggle with the Colorado potato beetle can be combined with treatments from late blight, wet rot, aphids, and the introduction of stimulants for tuber formation. The executioner contains in addition to the insecticide thiamethoxam 250 g / kg, pesticide tiabendazole 80 g / kg and biostimulant betitin 2 g / kg. This tool perfectly helps against major diseases, increases yields, protects bushes from many types of pests, works in the rainy season and at elevated temperatures. The optimal concentration of the working solution is 2 g / 8 l of water.

Tanrek from the Colorado beetle

A modern effective remedy for the Colorado beetle is a pesticide that does not wash off sediments, working equally well against adults and larvae. These criteria are fully met by Tanrek, developed by specialists of the firm August, based on the insecticide imidacloprid. The preparation in the amount of 1 ml is enough to obtain 10 l of solution, the optimal consumption of this potato treatment equipment is 5 l / 100 m 2 . The disadvantage of Tanrek is the presence of only one active substance, but it is resistant to precipitation and is effective in all weather conditions.

Sonnet from the Colorado potato beetle

Unlike most pesticides in the Sonnet, the active substance is hexaflumuron, which destroys the chitinous coating of insects, prevents them from growing and developing. He works qualitatively, but not instantly, the maximum effect gardener sees on 3-5 days. The protection period Sonnet - up to 30 days, the pesticide is supplied in ampoules of 2 ml or 10 ml vials. Processing potatoes from the Colorado beetle is made at the rate of 2 ml per 50-10 liters of water, the volume of liquid is consumed depending on the height of the bushes - up to 10 l / 100m 2 .

Aktar from the Colorado beetle

The pesticide Aktara is manufactured by the proven Swiss manufacturer Syngenta Crop Protection. Working substance - thiamethoxam, vegetable growers with experience recommend to alternate it with funds based on imidacloprid. A 4 ml package is diluted in 1 liter of water to prepare the mother liquor. Sprayer fill up to 25%, pour mother liquor, add water to the tank to 5 liters. In deciding what to do with a Colorado potato beetle, buying Aktar is an excellent option. It helps perfectly on other plants, destroying thrips, different flies, aphids, whiteflies, scutes.

Commander from the Colorado beetle

Working substance Commander - imidacloprid, the rate of consumption on potatoes - 2 ml / 10l. In other cultures, for treatment against aphids, thrips and whiteflies, they are used in concentrations up to 5 ml / 10 l. There is a version of the Commander for pickling tubers, in which the insecticide is mixed with humic acids, it is bred in accordance with the instructions, depending on the weight of the planting material. This means from the Colorado potato beetle on one potato is one significant drawback - it is not recommended to conduct treatments on the leaf during the mass departure of the bees.