Citrate for tomatoes

Ciderats have become increasingly popular among gardeners. With their help, it is possible to improve the fertility of the soil and its structure. This method refers to organic farming, when the use of mineral fertilizers is minimized or completely to zero.

Ciderates for tomatoes

Under the late crops, which include tomatoes, sow cold-resistant siderates, their sowing begins in the spring in a greenhouse or under a film, and in May, between the siderates, holes are made, where the seedlings are planted.

Since the tomato siderates are sown in the greenhouse in early spring, by the time the seedlings are planted, the tomato grows so much that it can be cut to the root and leave this green mass in the garden. It protects the earth from solar overheating, and seedlings - from possible nocturnal frosts.

The best tomato siderates are legumes, as well as rye, oats, wheat, clover, alfalfa, mustard and rapeseed. By the way, siderates for tomatoes can be sown not only in spring, but also from autumn, that is, under winter . Winter crops such as rye, clover and alfalfa are suitable for this purpose. They will ascend in the fall, winter in the snow, and in the spring they will quickly build up a green mass.

With the wintering of the sowers, they are mowed in April, digging the bed to a shallow depth, turning the plants upward with their roots. As a result, the top layer of the soil turns loose and the seedlings in it get very good. Its roots breathe, water absorbs very easily, and the decomposing roots of the siderata serve as top dressing for tomatoes throughout the summer.

In the end, you have a balanced diet without any chemistry, overdose or harm. If the soil for tomatoes requires preliminary sanitation, you need to make ash in it and pour it on potassium permanganate. After that, plant mustard, legumes or canola - these siderates kill fungi and viruses that have accumulated in the ground.

What do you need to know about the siderates?

Always gently approach the selection of a plant as a siderata. So, it is inadmissible to plant siderates and cultivated plants belonging to the same family. This will lead to the multiplication of pests and the defeat of the same diseases.

Also, you can not tighten with the mowing of the siderates, as you may encounter complications such as seed ripening and the formation of a too powerful root system that "scores" the roots of the vegetable culture. Later, mowing leads to contamination of the site, erratic plant growth and other troubles.