TV and baby

Is it possible for a child to watch TV? This question is asked by the parents of the twenty-first century in all countries and on all continents. The TV and the child sitting opposite him, indiscriminately absorbing a poor-quality television product, has become a persistent and well-established image in all social groups. The problem of the influence of the television screen on the unstable child's psyche and, especially, on vision are occupied by ophthalmologists-pediatricians and psychologists.

However, specialists' arguments continue to this day, but there is no unambiguous position on how much TV the child can watch.

How does the influence of the TV on the child affect, and what harm does the TV have on children?

Even with a passive finding next to the blue screen, the child loads his nervous system, which sooner or later will cause undesirable overexcitation or fatigue. Changeable pictures, constantly flickering on the screen, irritate and strain the children's visual apparatus. Modern ophthalmologists are concerned about the sharp deterioration of vision in preschool children. And aggressive programs, full of cruelty and violence, form in the child a perverted picture of the structure of the world and instill values ​​that are more like the image of a normal person.

The above examples clearly demonstrate the reasons why children can not watch TV often and uncontrollably. If, nevertheless, your child watches a lot of television, there are a few simple tricks that will help parents find the government for their child.

If these simple rules are met, the question of whether it is possible for a child to watch TV will be resolved positively in favor of dosed and controlled viewing of the child's quality children's animation and development programs.