Krivosheya in newborns

Krivosheya - one of the most frequent orthopedic pathologies in newborns, expressed in the wrong inclination of the baby's head.

How to determine the torticle in a newborn and what are its signs?

If your baby always looks the same way, when he sleeps, turns his head to the same side, then, most likely, he has torticollis. You need to see a doctor for advice on how to resolve this condition.

In medicine, there are three forms of torticollis in newborns:

1. Congenital torticollis - orthopedic pathology, which manifests itself from the moment of birth and is characterized by deformation of the neck, and is of two types:

2. Acquired torticollis in newborns , has the same symptoms as congenital, but not limited by age. There are various reasons for the appearance of this type of torticollis in newborns, such as:

3. With a false curvature there is no pathological change in the muscles, but the head, however, is tilted to the side, this is due to hypertension of the muscles. This disease does not threaten complications and is treated by a neurologist.

Treatment of torticollis in newborns

Diagnose the torticollis most often by the age of two weeks, and immediately begin treatment, because the earlier to start the procedures, the more chance to get rid of the disease. There are several ways to correct the pathology:

  1. Massage is the most common method of treating torticollis in newborns. It should be conducted by a specialist or a mother who has completed the training course. As a rule, this method gives positive results with regular procedures.
  2. A therapeutic gymnastics aimed at the muscles of the back, arms and neck. Can be carried out both in a polyclinic, and at home.
  3. Although rare, but sometimes doctors prescribe swimming procedures, as they contribute to the overall strengthening of the muscles of the back.
  4. Physioprocedures are used, as a rule, to increase the flow of blood to the damaged muscle. Most often, electrophoresis is prescribed.
  5. To fix the neck in the correct position on the children wear special collars. This helps stretch the affected muscle and form the correct body pattern, that is, so that the wrong position of the head is not perceived by the baby, as healthy and natural. Pursuing the same goals, the child is laid on a special pillow in the form of a bagel.
  6. If the treatment has not yielded fruit within two years, resort to surgical intervention. With surgical intervention, doctors return the muscle to its previous form. This method is rarely practiced, in view of the fact that the torticollis in newborns and its symptoms recede with conservative methods, described above.

There are also preventative measures to combat torticollis. When the baby is awake, put the toys on one side or the other. Restructure the crib so that the crumb could look at you, turning in different directions, that is, if it stands against the wall, put the child to sleep head to one, then to the other end.

Remember, the most important thing in treatment is systematic. You can not succumb to your own laziness, your child needs daily activities, only in this case there will be a positive dynamics. A kid should not be pitied, but actively help him.

Good luck and health to your children!