Exercises on the fitball for babies

Fitball - a huge ball, well-known to moms for sports and lessons and rodzalu. Thanks to him, many were able to find the most convenient position for waiting for the most painful fights. If you do not have time to buy it before the birth of the baby, you should take care of it immediately after returning from the hospital, since from now on he will become your indispensable assistant in caring for the baby, helping him to cough, calm and just entertain. And exercises for fitball for infants are not only useful for strengthening the muscles, developing coordination, the vestibular apparatus, but also help with the main misfortune of the first months of life - infantile colic .

How to choose a fitball for babies?

Size fitbola for babies, by and large, does not matter. It is best to take a "healthy ball" (namely, the name of this projectile is literally translated) with a diameter of 60-75 cm so that adults can use it too. Such a ball is useful for motion sickness, helping to relax the muscles of the back, constantly in the tone, and to restore the mother's figure after pregnancy , and the grown up child will be able to play with the fitball himself.

What to look for when buying:

Charging on the fitball for babies

Recently, experts increasingly recommend mothers newborns gymnastics for infants on fitbole. You can start such exercises after the umbilical wound has completely healed and the regime of feeding, as well as sleep and wakefulness, that is, at the age of 2-3 weeks, is established. To conduct them better in the morning, about an hour after feeding, when the crumb is awake and in good spirits. As accompaniment, you can turn on the music.

To begin with, you should let your child get used to a new subject, keep it well and never let go. When the baby gets comfortable, you can proceed directly to the gym. We give an example of its main elements.

Exercises on fitbole for children under 1 year

  1. "There-here" on the stomach. The child lies with his belly on the fitball, and the adult holds it, placing a palm on the back, and gently rocking it back and forth. Such an exercise improves the circulation of the intestines, thereby helping to cope with colic, and also trains the vestibular apparatus.
  2. "There-here" on the back - we put the child on the back and do everything the same as in the previous exercise. Helps relax the back muscles and is a good prevention of curvature and displacement of the spine.
  3. "Spring" - the child lies on the ball abdomen down, and the adult, holding his legs, makes springing movements. Develops well all muscle groups.
  4. "Wheelbarrow" - an exercise, like all the following, for kids from 6 months and more experienced "gymnasts". The child rests his legs in fitball, and the adult raises his legs.
  5. «Airplane». The adult holds the child on the right thigh and right forearm, the child lies on the ball on the left side. Adult neatly several times "rolls" the baby from one side to the other. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  6. "Skladochka" - the child lies on the tummy, hugging the ball, the adult holds it for both shins. Then gently pulls him towards him, rolling on the ball - legs bend at the knees, pushing from him - the legs unbend.
  7. "Horseman" - the baby is lying on the back of the ball. For a few seconds the adult lifts him to the sitting position, keeping his balance, and then puts him on his back again.
  8. "Grab it" - you can do it when the kid learns to take toys. Several bright rattles need to be put on the floor and hold the child by the legs in the position on the stomach, keeping the balance. The child will alternately take away the handles from the ball in order to reach the objects.