Exercises for eyesight

Today, the problem of loss of visual acuity is topical. Continuous work on the computer, watching television programs, and reading through various electronic devices, do not contribute to the preservation of eye health. Good eyesight is provided not only by hereditary factors, but also by various procedures that help relieve tension from the eye muscles. The so-called exercises for vision can be done by any person. It does not take much time and effort.

Complex of exercises for vision

In order to eliminate the effects of work on the computer and other factors affecting visual acuity, one should do simple gymnastics for the eyes. First, look into the distance for a few seconds, then switch the focus to a point a few centimeters from you. Linger at every point, and in the long run, and in the near should be at least 10-15 seconds. Repeat these movements 4-5 times. This exercise will allow both to improve vision and relax the muscles of the eyeball. Doctors recommend doing it every 1.5-2 hours.

Another method that helps restore visual acuity is self-massage. Find a small groove in the bone from the lower outer corner of the eye socket and in a circular motion, slide it. Remember that the pressure should be very weak, almost not noticeable. This exercise for the eyes contributes to the restoration of vision . It must be done at least 3-4 times a day.

Also, use eye protection. They can be purchased in optics, they help protect the eyes from the radiation of the computer. These glasses should be worn when working behind the screen, as well as when watching TV. There you can buy glasses-simulators, instead of glasses they have perforated paper or plastic. They are recommended to be used daily.