Asthma - symptoms in adults

A sharp periodic narrowing of the airways, causing suffocation or shortness of breath, in medicine is called asthma. This pathology has various causes, occurs at any age. It is proved that it is easier to prevent attacks of a disease than to treat them. Therefore it is important to know how asthma manifests in the early stages - the symptoms in adults are very specific, they are difficult to confuse with other diseases. This allows you to almost immediately stop the onset of an attack.

The first symptoms of bronchial asthma in adults

Early clinical manifestations of the pathology in question are as follows:

If you immediately go to the hospital with such signs, you can prevent further development of the disease.

The main symptoms of bronchial asthma in adults:

It is worth noting that the manifestations of asthma may differ in different people depending on their age, health status, the presence of harmful habits (smoking), lifestyle. In some cases, there are almost no signs of pathology until the immunity decreases due to a viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of cardiac asthma in adults

The cause of this form of the disease is aggravation of left ventricular failure. It occurs against a background of various heart diseases - hypertension, cardiosclerosis, acute coronary syndrome.

Clinic of the type of asthma described:

In some situations, an attack of cardiac asthma can go to the stage of pulmonary edema. Then they join such a symptomatology:

Symptoms of allergic asthma in adults

This type of disease is considered the most common. It develops because of the hypersensitivity of the immune system when various stimuli enter the body.

The clinical manifestations of allergic asthma are usually as follows:

When the described attack of the disease occurs, a person begins to panic, to be afraid that he will suffocate. Because of this, inadequate behavior can be observed in conjunction with a sharp increase in heart rate, acceleration of the pulse, increased blood pressure.

In addition, in the case of progression of atopic or allergic asthma, there are other signs of pathology that allow differential diagnosis of this form of the disease. Among them: