
Salamanca Island is a National Park located in the Caribbean region of Colombia , on the eastern outskirts of Barranquilla . Salamanca is called Park Road because of the road that passes through it, connecting Santa Marta and Barranquilla. Tourists can see here mangrove forests, marshes and beaches right off the road. Since 2000, the island of Salamanca has been recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.


On the map Salamanca looks like a group of small islands formed by the accumulation of sediment in the delta of the Magdalena River . These areas of land, connected by small channels, represent a barrier that separates the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta from the Caribbean Sea.

Climatic conditions

The climate in Salamanca is dry, and the average temperature is + 28 ... + 30 ° С. The average annual rainfall is 400 mm in the eastern part of the park and 760 mm in the western part. The volume of liquid lost as a result of evaporation exceeds the amount of precipitation, which leads to a water deficit.


The "road" park represents a wide variety of ecosystems, including tropical and mixed forests, freshwater vegetation, thorny shrubs, and many swampy floating plants. On the beaches you can see many dunes providing a habitat for a thistle. Mangroves cover most of the territory.


One of the main attractions of Salamanca is a diverse fauna. The park is inhabited by many wildlife dwellers, some of which are endangered. Here live 35 species of reptiles:

The diversity of mammals is represented by the presence of 33 species, among which:

However, the most famous group of vertebrates in this region is wild birds. Here is the most important place for feeding and resting migratory birds throughout the Caribbean. 199 species of birds were recorded, some of them are endangered, for example, hummingbirds.

What to do in the park?

The park provides opportunities for two directions of ecotourism:

There are several routes that allow you to visit the most interesting places. Among them are:

Thanks to the unique layout of the park, it is an ideal place to observe wild fauna and flora, and also to make unique photos of Salamanca.

Where is the national park?

To get to Salamanca, take the plane to Barranquilla , and from there, along the main Caribbean road, take a bus to Los Cocos and Kangaroo.