Is it possible to feed a gooseberry mother?

Women in the early days, months of lactation are difficult, because they restrict themselves to eating. But most of the food can be eaten, only in small doses and watching the reaction of the youngster - some delicacies may not suit him.

In the article we will discuss whether it is possible to use a gooseberry for a nursing mother.

This berry has many useful properties: it is dietetic, contains vitamins C, A, B group, minerals and trace elements, has organic (apple and citric), folic acid, flavonoids, tannins. And that is not all. If you prefer dark berries, then they will contribute to the removal of heavy metal salts from the body, thanks to the presence of pectin substances. And P-active compounds strengthen the capillaries and have an anti-sclerotic effect. Therefore, gooseberries are recommended for the prevention of hypertension and other cardiovascular ailments.

But the organism of a nursing woman is special. How can this product affect it? Only positive. Mom gums and teeth will strengthen, metabolism will improve, the woman will lose excess weight, constipation will stop, the intestinal work will be normalized. And the baby will receive useful substances with the milk of his mother.

It is not recommended to eat gooseberries for women who have stomach and bowel problems - ulcers, colitis. Carefully eat if there are diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

How to eat gooseberries?

It is better to eat fresh berries, because they have more vitamins. Can a nursing mother green gooseberry? Yes, this is the most "useful" color of products for women during lactation. Unlike currants, strawberries, cherries, even a dark sort of gooseberries does not contain a large number of coloring pigments, which can harm the crumbs.

Let's answer the question: is it possible to eat gooseberries for breastfeeding mother in large quantities? Any berries that do not even cause allergies need to be introduced into the diet gradually. Try first to eat 5 pieces a day, the next - 6-7. If your baby responds well to a new product, then you can eat gooseberries up to 300 grams per day.

Women are wondering whether it is possible to breastfeed jam from a gooseberry mother? Yes, but it's not as useful as a fresh berry. If you like gooseberry in a sweeter way, then you can rub it with sugar - from such a product will be more useful. In the winter, jam, of course, eat, but only quality, without preservatives.

So, we examined whether it is possible for a nursing mother to gooseberry. The answer is positive - this is one of the most useful berries, which should be in the diet of mom and baby.