First aid for cystitis

According to medical statistics, cystitis is the most common urological disease. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is most often observed in girls and women of reproductive age, but often cystitis is diagnosed in girls and school girls. Information on first aid for cystitis should be owned by every woman, as, as practice shows, with the symptoms of this disease, 100% of the female population collides at least once in a lifetime, while in 50% of them these symptoms indicate the presence of true cystitis.

The first signs of cystitis in women

The presence of the following signs indicates a possible cystitis:

First aid for acute cystitis

The answer to the question "what to do with the first signs of cystitis" is always unambiguous - it is necessary to consult a urologist. But, if in the near future there is no such possibility, it is necessary to facilitate its condition in adequate ways.

Thus, with a suspicion of cystitis, the first help to a woman, girl, girl is as follows:

  1. With a strong pain syndrome, you can take an analgesic antispasmodic drug. As first aid for cystitis, you can take such tablets as: No-shpa, Pentalgin, Nurofen, Ketonal or others.
  2. Abundant drink (at least 2 liters per day), the fluid is needed to "wash away" the infection from the urinary tract. Drinking is not limited to water, especially useful for cystitis drink cranberry juice . Prohibited: coffee, strong tea, carbonated water, tomato and citrus juices.
  3. With the first symptoms of cystitis, the use of traditional medicine is allowed. So, as a first aid for cystitis you can use decoctions from the available home of medicinal plants: chamomile, nettle, cranberry, bearberry, calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort. These broths have a light antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.
  4. It is recommended to rest, and with a strong pain syndrome - bed rest.
  5. Oily, salty, spicy food should be excluded from the diet.
  6. Contrary to the general statement, a warm water bottle can not be used for the first symptoms of cystitis. Active heat contributes to the rapid development of the inflammatory process and the spread of infection, for this reason the use of a warmer as first aid for acute cystitis is not recommended. In extreme cases, to reduce pain, the heating pad can be placed between the legs, but not on the stomach.
  7. Almost always cystitis is infectious, for its treatment requires the use of antibacterial agents, the purpose of which - the prerogative of a doctor. These are antibiotics: phosphomycin, furazidine, levofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, lomefloxacin, ciprofloxacin and others. Especially flattering reviews leave patients about the drug Monural (phosphomycin). As an exception, in case of an acute attack of pain, Monural can be taken once at home, as a first aid in acute cystitis.
  8. Further treatment will include the reception of more and supporting, diuretic drugs: Kanefron , Phytolysin, Tsiston and others.