Black currant in pregnancy

Such a berry, like black currant, due to its unique composition and usefulness, has become quite widespread. Almost at every dacha site you can find its bushes. Let's talk about it in more detail, and we will try to find out whether it is possible for pregnant women to use black currant, and what benefits it can bring in pregnancy.

What is useful for this berry?

First of all, it is worth noting such a property of the currant as the ability to reduce swelling. Therefore, its use becomes especially urgent in the second half of gestation.

Also, black currant during pregnancy, thanks to the iron contained in its composition, perfectly increases hemoglobin, which is necessary for transporting oxygen to the fetus. Therefore, women who use this berry in the process of bearing a baby, the risk of developing hypoxia is reduced.

Do not underestimate the benefits of black currant in the fight against diarrhea during pregnancy. In its composition there are tannins, which contribute to the recovery of the stool.

In addition, this berry has a pronounced hypotonic property, i.e. lowers blood pressure. For this purpose, use both fresh berries and infusion of leaves.

The berry owes its medicinal properties to its composition. B does not include vitamins: A, B, C, D, and also K, P. Among the trace elements, besides mentioned above iron, currant contains calcium, magnesium, sodium. Present and organic compounds in the composition of the berries: phosphoric acid, essential oils.

Separately, it is necessary to say about phytoncides - substances released by plants, which are harmful for most pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms. That is why often black currant is used as an anti-cold remedy, making tea with it.

How to eat currant during pregnancy?

Having told in detail about the beneficial properties of black currant, we will consider how and what parts of the bush during pregnancy can be used.

First of all, it is, of course, the ripened berries themselves. They can be practically in any form: raw, in the form of compote, mors, add to all kinds of desserts.

Tea from the leaves of black currant during pregnancy is especially indicated for future mothers who have high blood pressure. Women with severe hypotension, on the contrary, need to be cautious about this kind of drink.

Dried currant branches can also be used when carrying a baby. Broth with them perfectly allows you to cope with the first symptoms of a cold.

Separately it is necessary to say about how much during pregnancy you can eat currants. Doctors recommend not to abuse this berry, and a day is not more than 150-200 g. By the way, in order to completely fill the daily need for vitamin C, 20 berries are enough!

Can all future mothers use black currants?

Like any berry, fruit, currant is not allowed to all women waiting for the appearance of the baby. Thus doctors, first of all, pay attention to term of gestation and state of health of the pregnant woman.

So, because of the high concentration in the berries of vitamin C, on small, and also on late terms from black currant is better to refuse, because. ascorbic acid is capable of increasing the tone of uterine myometrium.

It should be taken into account that currant can increase acidity, which is unacceptable with such diseases as gastritis, stomach ulcer.

Among other diseases, in which the use of black currant during pregnancy is prohibited, doctors usually call:

Thus, as can be seen from the article, during pregnancy, you can eat currants, but you must do this with care and observing the measure.