Relaxation in kindergarten

For the successful adaptation and daily stay of children in a pre-school educational institution (DOW), it is simply necessary to conduct relaxation. This is necessary in order to remove from them a state of tension or fatigue, which arises from the receipt of a huge amount of information and constant communication with other members of the group.

Relaxation of children in kindergarten can be carried out in various ways:

Conducting relaxation exercises

It is recommended to conduct two exercises per day:

To conduct a relaxation pause, the children fit on the carpet, close their eyes, the teacher in a low, calming voice reads the poem, and the guys, according to his instructions, perform or relax the muscles or something. All this is performed to the sound of quiet calm classical music. The withdrawal from the state of relaxation should be pronounced more loudly, briskly and faster.

Relaxation exercises that take place in the kindergarten are very many: "Slow Motion", "Stretched - Broken", "Lemon", "Mouth Rotation", "Smile", "Bubenchik", "Rocking Tree", "Sleeping Kitten" "Cold - hot", "Sunny and cloud" and others.

Daily exercise of such exercises teaches children self-regulation of their state of mind.

Relaxation room organization in kindergarten

Such a room is created according to the following recommendations:

  1. For the arrangement of such premises, use modular furniture, the design of which should be periodically changed.
  2. Choose a general color scheme is necessary by the methods of A. Etkind or M. Lusher.
  3. Be sure to create a place for privacy: a house or a tent.
  4. In the room to place bright objects and appliances, radiating a different light: a glass ball, a projector, a luminous network, a fibrolamp, a light bubble column.
  5. Make a mirror or massage area: a dry pool, rugs.
  6. Equip the necessary equipment for music therapy.

If the kindergarten is not possible to allocate a whole room for relaxation, then make a corner or zone in each group. There you can put a dry pool, projectors, soft toys, games that help to relieve stress and tension in children.