Day of the angel Oleg

Every Orthodox Christian, in addition to general church holidays, also celebrates his own day - the day of the angel or the name day.

At holy Baptism a person is given a church name in honor of one of the saints, who becomes his heavenly patron. The saint is a real person who once lived and led an exclusively pious life, for which he was canonized, that is, he was introduced to the rank of saints by the higher ecclesiastical leadership. Now that day of the year in accordance with the church calendar, in which this saint is revered, is called a name-day. At the same time, under Holy Baptism each of us receives a Guardian Angel, who guards throughout his life and guides the true path. And the day when our angel is worshiped, is called the day of the Angel. Today, in many churches, a certificate is given in the adoption of the holy baptism, which indicates the day of the name day and the name of the heavenly patron.

The choice of a name at baptism is of great importance for the rest of a person's life. Named after the saint, a person can approach him with prayer. And the earthly being of this saint should be an example of spiritual life for a Christian.

In Orthodox Christianity, it is believed that a name is given to a person so that he communicates with God. And at the time of Baptism, the person's personal name is associated with the divine name. Churchmen, appropriating the name of a saint to the child, thus prompt him the true path, since this person has already passed through and realized in this world a person who later became a saint.

Previously, name days were considered a much more important day than an ordinary birthday.

If parents chose a baby for a baby who was not found in the Svyattsy, then the priest can baptize a person, giving him a different name, consonant with the one that is written in the birth certificate. For example, Diana is named as Olga or Daria, Stanislava as Stakhnia.

Name Day of Oleg on the Orthodox calendar

The name Oleg in translation from Scandinavian means "consecrated, holy". According to the Orthodox calendar, the name day of a person named Oleg is only one day a year and falls on the date of October 3. On the day of the Angel of Oleg revered Rev. Prince Oleg Bryansky, who was the founder of the Bryansk monastery and lived in the XIII century. Each Oleg will be interested in learning about the life of his saint.

Oleg, being the great prince of Chernigov, refused all honors and privileges, having transferred them to his brother. He himself took monastic vows and became austere in the monastery built at his own expense in Bryansk Peter and Paul. In this monastery he died at the beginning of the XIV century. His body was buried in the monastery's cathedral church. In the XVIII century on this place was built a stone church. With the advent of Soviet power, the relics of Prince Oleg were reburied to an unknown place. And only in 1995 the holy remains of the Monk Prince Oleg Bryansky were transferred to the Vvedensky Temple.

Characteristics of a man named Oleg

Little Oleg is an inquisitive but incredulous child. Learning is easy for him if he is a little more diligent. Has a logical mindset, so it is good to master the exact sciences.

An adult with a name Oleg is principled and intelligent, purposeful and unselfish. Sometimes stubborn and arrogant, because of this it is difficult to communicate with him. The work is very responsible. Does not give in to someone else's influence, fiercely defends his point of view, leaving the last word. Has a great sense of humor. He is a faithful friend who does not forgive betrayal.

The family in the life of Oleg is of great importance. He has a special affection for his mother, seeing in her the ideal of a woman. Therefore, the partner of life, Oleg involuntarily chooses a similar outwardly and internally to his mother. He is faithful to his wife, helps her in everything. Oleg is a kind, attentive and reliable husband.