Fissure of the rectum - symptoms, treatment

Rectum fracture (anal fissure) is a rupture or ulceration of the mucous membrane in the final section of the digestive tract. Causes of the disease can be:

Symptoms of a rectal fissure

A clear sign of a crack is pain in the anus during and after defecation. Painful sensations do not lose their intensity for several hours after excrement. From time to time in the fecal masses, traces of blood are visible. Blood spots can also remain on toilet paper and underwear. When chronic form of the disease is often noted fear of defecation. Often with cracks occurs a complication of hemorrhoids .

Treatment of rectal fissure

Having found out the symptoms of a rectal fissure, do not delay treatment. It is advisable to seek help from a proctologist. The therapy prescribed by the doctor depends on the form (acute or chronic) in which the disease occurs, from the cause of the appearance of the crack and the degree of injury to the rectum.

Drug treatment includes:

With the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, candles and ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect are used to treat the rectal fissure. Especially popular are ointments:

Suppositories-suppositories for treating a rectal fissure are considered to be an effective pharmaceutical agent. The following rectal drugs should be noted:

In chronic form, scarring of the rectal fissure is observed, and then surgical treatment is necessary - excision. The traditional surgical operation is under general anesthesia, and a considerable time is needed to restore the patient. At present, laser surgery, coagulation or cryodestruction is increasingly being used. With these methods of eradicating the crack, local anesthesia is used, and the rehabilitation is quite quick.

Treatment of rectal fissure folk remedies

At the initial stage of the disease, a rectal fissure can be treated at home. Traditional medicine contains in the arsenal quite a lot of effective recipes. Here are the most effective of them.

Potato candles

From a raw potato cut a piece, similar to a rectal candle. Potato candle dipped in honey and carefully inserted into the anus. The procedure before going to bed is repeated 1-2 weeks.

Propolis with butter

A piece of propolis the size of a pea dissolves in two tablespoons of softened butter. The mixture is impregnated with a napkin and applied to the anal area, leaving for the whole night.

Sitting baths with broth from young twigs of pine

Two handfuls of pine shoots are boiled in three liters of water and diluted with cold water to bring the temperature closer to room temperature. Daily 10-minute coniferous baths contribute to the rapid healing of cracks.

Microclyclysms for treatment of cracks

Cooled infusion of needles can be used in the form of microclysters introduced into the rectum. Quick healing is provided by microclysters with infusions of chamomile or sage, honey water, sea-buckthorn and dog rose oil, fish oil.