Cherry cake - simple recipe

Once again we prove that baking is not as difficult as you might think.

Today we suggest you bake a cherry pie for a very simple recipe. As a filling for classic delicacies, you can use both fresh, frozen and even canned berries - it will be delicious in any case.

Simple pie with cherries



This recipe is not much different from other recipes of pies on a biscuit basis. The first thing to do is to combine all the dry ingredients: flour, zest, baking powder and sugar. Separately, whisk the liquid and oil, and first the oil of room temperature itself must be turned into an air cream, and then, additionally, add milk and eggs to it.

Further, the ingredients from the dry mixture are combined with the whipped butter, and cherries are added to the dough obtained. It's not easy, is it? All that remains is to pour the mixture into the mold and put it to bake at the duty of 180 degrees 40 minutes.

Puff cherry cake with puff pastry



While the oven is warming up to 190 degrees, roll out a piece of puff pastry and cover it with the selected shape. On top of the layered base lay a canned cherry. As a filling for a pie, it is best to choose a jam or thick jam so that during the baking process the excess moisture does not absorb into the dough making it gluey. Place berries on top of the berries. Roll out the remaining piece of dough and cover the form with the top, carefully splitting the edges. In the center of the upper cake make a hole, and the dough itself with a beaten egg and sprinkle sugar crystals. Bake a cake with cherries for this simple recipe you need about 20 minutes.

Pie with cherries on yogurt


For filling:

For the test:


While the oven is warming up to 200 degrees, cook the dough. To this end, mix the sugar and flour together, add ice-cold oil to the dry mixture and crush everything into a crumb. Toss the krosher with kefir and collect it in com, cover it with a film and leave it in the fridge.

Meanwhile, pour cherries and sugar into the saucepan, put the future stuffing on the fire. When berries are allowed to juice, evaporate it halfway, and mix the remaining liquid with zest and starch.

Roll out the dough, put the filling in the center, and collect the edges with a bag, without gluing together. Put the cake for 40 minutes.

Pie with cherries, pineapple and almonds: a simple recipe

Simpler recipe than this pie simply does not exist: combine all the ingredients for the filling together, put it into shape and sprinkle with flour. Perfect sweet snack in a hurry!



Combine sugar with milk powder, flour and baking powder. Melt the butter and pour over the dry mixture, thoroughly mixing.

Pour the canned pineapple along with the juice into the mold chosen for baking. Add to the pineapples cherry jam, coconut shavings and all combine together. Cover the fruit and berry stuffing with crumbs and put the cake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.