How to make mastic at home?

Below we will tell you how to correctly make mastic at home on the basis of powdered sugar and gelatin and we will offer a variant of cooking it from marshmallow marshmallow.

Sugar mastic for a cake at home - a recipe with gelatin



To prepare the mastic, we will first prepare gelatin properly. Fill it with half the norm of cold water for about thirty minutes, then put it on a water bath, warm it up, stirring, until all the granules are dissolved, and then filter so that there will not be an admixture of small grains.

The remaining water is poured into a pan or scoop, add invert syrup, salt, sugar sand, and heat, stirring, to a boil. Then stop stirring and cook the contents of the pan for eight minutes.

Now we start to beat the sweet mixture with a mixer, and after five minutes, pour in a little prepared gelatin water and continue to beat until a white and viscous mass is obtained. At this stage we change the mixer attachments on the spiral for the dough and, gradually pouring the sifted sugar powder, completely intervene it into the whipped substance until a uniform texture is obtained. We cover the container with a lid or we tighten it with film and leave it under room conditions for twenty-four hours.

At the next stage, we spread the sugar mass on the surface with starch and make the final kneading of the mastic, achieving its non-sticky consistency.

This mastic is perfectly stored in the refrigerator and easily painted in the desired colors.

Marshmallow from marshmallow marshmallow at home - recipe



To prepare the marshmallow marshmallow mousse, it must be placed in a glass plate, sprinkled with lemon juice and put in a microwave oven for about twenty seconds, setting the maximum power of the device. As a result, the marshmallows increase in volume and become pliable for further work with them.

We take out the microwave vessel with billets and mix the contents with a spoon, gradually pouring powdered sugar. We finish by kneading hands, achieving uniformity, plasticity and not stickiness of mastic. Now it remains only to withstand the finished mastic for about thirty minutes in the refrigerator, placing it in a bag, and you can start working with it.

Chocolate mastic at home



This recipe differs from the previous one only in the presence of an additional chocolate base. In other respects, the technological process of creating a mastic is identical to that described above. Marshmallow spray water and heat a little in the microwave. Simultaneously, melted chocolate. We achieve homogeneity of both masses, connect them and lay them on the working surface, lubricated with oil. It is necessary to pour in a little bit of starch and mix it. It is most convenient for this to use a silicone mat.

How to paint mastic at home?

Any ready mastic can be filled with the necessary color scheme. To do this, divide it into the required number of portions, add to each food coloring (better gel) and mix the mass with hands until an even color distribution is achieved.