Style glam rock

What is glam rock style and where did it come from? Most of the townsfolk think that in this style must be present notes of glamor, and this is one of the most common mistakes. Glam rock style in clothing originated back in the 70s of the last century and the main accents then were patent leather and flashy make-up. Allow at that time to look like brutally sexy could only the most daring fashionable and fashionable. However, even now, not everyone will dare to look as bright and bright as this style allows.

Main colors and fabrics for glam rock style

As it was already written above, the main material used for sewing clothes in this style is, of course, the skin, so an integral part of the wardrobe is simply obliged to become a scythe. It is suitable for all occasions: for a day's walk - with shorts or jeans, supplemented with a shirt with a brilliant applique of sequins, for the party, it is suitable for an evening dress in the style of glam rock, the main thing - do not forget to add a few laces and sequins.

The main color is, of course, black, but it can be combined with almost anything - red or emerald, ink, apricot. Supplement the entire image will help accessories of gold and silver colors. As for the styles - it's still simpler here: the stronger the dress is, or the more trousers and the shorter the shorts, in general, the more sexy it looks - the better, and no baggy tunics, wide pants and sweaters two sizes larger.

Capture your image

If you decided to make a photo shoot in the style of glam rock, then you definitely can not do without narrow patent leather trousers, blouses with small ruffles, ankle boots decorated with rivets, and, of course, handbags with lots of chains and zippers. Finish the image follows the hair style in the style of glam rock, and this is also not difficult. It will be enough to wind the hair on a curling rod and let the curls loose or just make a high tail. You can also paint several strands in bright and unexpected colors, for example, in red, green or purple - under the color of the clothes.

Makeup in the style of glam rock must be bright and challenging. No tan, light cream, smokey ice , using dark gray shadows, a couple of strokes with a red pencil on your lips, over the gloss - that's the perfect makeup for the perfect girl in the glam rock style.