Sour cream sauce with garlic

Sour cream sauce with garlic can serve as a salad dressing or dip for your favorite hot dishes. The universal sour cream base gives an unlimited field for playing fantasy, allowing you to create unique sauces from time to time.

Sour cream sauce with garlic and herbs - recipe

Ranch dressing is a classic American addition to meat dishes, vegetable assortments and salads. Combining sour cream, greens and garlic, you will never lose, so we recommend you try out this recipe and take it to your culinary book.



Chop the herbs of parsley. Garnish the garlic paste into a paste. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise and add garlic paste and greens to it. Add traces of dried herbs, wester and lemon juice. After trying, season with the sauce.

Sour cream sauce with cucumber and garlic

This Greek sauce is called tzatziki and, as a rule, is prepared on the basis of yogurt. We decided to replace the yoghurt with sour cream and add to the dish another traditionally Greek product - feta cheese.



Rub the fresh cucumber and immediately wring out excess moisture so that the sauce does not come out too liquid. Cheese feta rub with a fork and add to sour cream. Separately chop the garlic and add to it the sauce, sprinkling the herbs next. It remains only to put the grated cucumber and you can try. This recipe for sour cream sauce with garlic is ideal for chicken, cutlets and any red meat.

Sour cream sauce with garlic and cheese

This sauce is best used as a dip for vegetables, french fries, bread sticks or crackers. AT its composition includes processed cheese, but it can be replaced with cream cheese for a more delicate taste.



Whip the melted cheese with mayonnaise and sour cream until you get a homogeneous sauce. Add sauce with Dijon mustard and honey, add salt to taste and sprinkle dried onions. Ready sauce can be served immediately, but you can leave it to cool before serving.