Monarda - landing and care in the open ground

Experienced gardeners know for sure that flowers can be not only beautiful, but also very useful. This is exactly the monarch who came to us from the American expanses. In addition to a rather representative appearance, this overseas beauty has a pleasant aroma and healing power, which helps in the fight against nervous tension, stress and various skin diseases.

Monarda - planting and care

Monard refers to those wonderful perennials, the cultivation and care of which does not give the gardener any special trouble. Of course, like other plants, the monarch will respond with gratitude to both regular fertilizing and timely watering. But the absence of such care will not be detrimental to the monarch, because this plant has a high level of adaptability. In general, care for the monarch is as follows:

  1. The earth around the monad must be periodically loosened, while getting rid of the weeds . In this case, it is necessary to act with a certain degree of caution, so that during the loosening, the monad's root system is not damaged.
  2. Watering a monarch needs a couple of times a week, and watering should be abundant.
  3. To keep moisture as long as possible after irrigation, the soil surface must be mulched. Ideally, mulch is suitable for peat, humus or sawdust.
  4. Since the monarch is growing quite actively, and spends a lot of energy on flowering, it should be fed several times during the season. The first fertilizing is usually done immediately after transplanting the seedlings on a bed, using a universal mineral fertilizer for this. Two or three weeks after this, the fertilizer is repeated, using this time liquid organic fertilizers.
  5. Care for the monarch in the fall for the southern and northern regions will vary. So, in warm areas, the monarch can not be cut off or sheltered for the winter, leaving the removal of its dead ground part for the spring. In a colder locale on the contrary, the rosette of the leaves of the monarch must be cut in the fall, and then build over it a shelter of billet or dry leaves.

Reproduction of the monarch

The monad can be cultivated on the site in various ways: by seeds , by segments of the rhizome, by dividing the bush or by cuttings. It should be noted that any of the aforementioned methods of reproduction can be used for wild monad species, but it can retain varietal qualities only when propagated by cuttings, parts of rhizome or delenki.

Reproduction of the monard by seeds

When growing monads from seeds, you can go in two ways: grow from them pre-seedlings or plant immediately in the open ground. With the seedling method, the seeds are sown in boxes with a moist soil to a shallow depth. Twenty days after punching the sprouts, the seedlings are spread on separate pots, and already in the middle of May they are sent to grow on the bed, leaving gaps between the bushes at 35 cm.

If there is no desire to potter with seedlings, the monarch can be planted immediately on the allocated bed. Planting of monarch seeds in the open ground is carried out in the middle of June, and care in this case is reduced to thinning out the crops, watering and loosening the soil around them. At the same time, one must bear in mind that it is possible to transplant such a monarch to a permanent place in the flower garden not earlier than in a year, and it will only bloom for 4-5 years after planting.

Reproduction of the monad in vegetative ways

To preserve all the varieties of the monarch and to speed up its flowering, it is necessary to choose vegetative propagation methods: