Allergic conjunctivitis - treatment

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases. With him, ophthalmologists meet often. Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is required when the sclera and the inner side of the eyelid begin to become inflamed because of the ambiguous reaction of the immune system to contact with an external irritant, an allergen.

Preparations for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is only one of the possible forms of diseases, which, in turn, is divided into several varieties. Inflammation can occur:

As a rule, the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis begins soon after using an unsuitable cosmetic, soap, medicine or contact with potentially dangerous plants. There is a problem with itching, sharp reddening of the eyes, burning, tearing.

Treatment of seasonal, chronic and any other allergic conjunctivitis should consist of several stages:

  1. The main thing is to determine what exactly causes this reaction.
  2. Once the allergen has been identified - and people usually guess the cause of the disease - contact with it should be discontinued.
  3. Effective therapy - local. If the case is severe, corticosteroids are additionally prescribed.
  4. That there was no relapse, it is necessary to take the preparations strengthening immunity.

The most effective for treating allergic conjunctivitis are such drops:

Bury them you need two or four times a day.

If the defeat of the cornea has begun, it is advisable to use products containing vitamins:

Often used for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis are such means as:

While doing therapy for ailment, it is necessary to do cold compresses. And if you have to take antihistamines inside, preference is best given:

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis with folk remedies

As the main folk therapy is not welcome. But to support with her help the body during recovery nobody forbids:

  1. From the honey dissolved in warm water it is possible to receive excellent drops for eyes.
  2. Fresh aloe juice quickly removes inflammation.
  3. Well-proven compresses from gruel raw grated to a small grater of potatoes with raw eggs.
  4. Strengthen immunity and help cure the disease with blueberry tea.
  5. To quickly cleanse the eye of all possible secretions, prepare the spiky infusion. For this, the berries should be poured with boiling water, cook over low heat for five minutes and insist for half an hour.
  6. Instead of rose hips, you can use fresh dill juice for compress.
  7. A very simple but effective medicine is tea tea. Apply it to the eyelids to eliminate itching, redness, burning.
  8. If possible, it is recommended to wipe your eyes with infusion of calendula.