Fish cocks - content and care, simple tips for beginners for content

Labyrinth fishes of the cockerel, the maintenance and care of which requires proper attention, number more than 70 species. Their homeland is Southeast Asia, but they can live and multiply at home perfectly if certain rules are followed.

How to care for fish fried?

Fishes of the cockerel, the maintenance and care of which takes time, do not need a large tank, one individual will feel good in a three-liter jar. But it is better to choose a more spacious container for content, ideally, if it is a rectangular tank. It is not recommended to keep more than one male in one vessel - there will often be fights with bodily injuries as a result between them.

Types of fry fish

Different species of fish differ in form of the fin. The most popular varieties of fry fish for keeping in an aquarium are:

The color of the males is divided into these types:

Fish cockerel - what to feed?

Aquarium fishes of the cockerel, the maintenance and care of which requires control over obesity, so overfeeding is dangerous for them. Feed your pets 1-2 times a day, but the same amount of food should be poured, how many fish can eat in 15 minutes. If you pour more than necessary, the remaining food should be immediately removed from the aquarium, otherwise the fish can overeat.

Food for fried males may be:

  1. Alive - zooplankton, bloodworm, tubule, artemia, daphnia, earthworms.
  2. Frozen - the same as live food, but stored in the freezer.
  3. Dry - flakes or granules, created specifically for males.

In the course of care in order to avoid problems with the digestive system, it is better to give preference to live and frozen fodder - they are better digested, and they are more difficult to overfeed fishes of males. Dry fish food can be used as an alternative, for example, in the case of departure for the use of an automatic feeder, it is not very useful as a basic food.

Fish cockerel - water temperature

To create good conditions for the development and life of the animals, it is important to know what temperature of the water should be maintained for keeping the fish of the cockerel. The optimal temperature for the content is 24-28 ° C. Water should be filtered, and for prevention of diseases it is better to add a special salt, which is easy to find in any pet store. Aeration of water is not mandatory for labyrinth fish, but the presence of a good filter is necessary.

How many lives does a cockerel frog live?

At observance of all rules of the maintenance and leaving, the life expectancy of fishes of a cockerel in an aquarium - not less than 3 years. But, unfortunately, many novice aquarists can not create good conditions for growing pets, and these fish are prone to some fungal and bacterial diseases that, if not recognized, destroy the entire aquarium.

Fish Cockerel - Compatibility with other fish

Fishes of cockerels are considered whimsical, the maintenance and leaving can deliver much trouble, and one of the major questions is their compatibility with other kinds of fishes. First of all, in order to avoid enmity in the home tank, you should create comfortable conditions of keeping - for one cockerel there should be 5 liters of water, if the volume is less, the probability of war increases.

With whom the fish in the cockerel coexist, it is:

Fish Cockerel - Reproduction

To the reproduction of fishes of the cockerel, the maintenance and care of which was carried out by all rules, are ready at the age of 3-4 months. To distinguish females from males is very simple: males are larger and bright, with long fins. In females, the fins are short, and the main sign of the floor is a white speckle near the anus, which is already clearly distinguishable to reproductive age. During spawning, males become very aggressive, so it is not recommended to keep several boys in the same reservoir - often fights end in death.

How do the fishes of the cockerel breed?

Breeding of fry fish takes place in a separate tank - a special spawning is undertaken, an aquarium with a volume of about 7 liters, which must be equipped with small plants and shelters for the female. The temperature of the water should be increased by 2-3 degrees, this stimulates spawning. How does the fry of the males multiply at home? Before the spawning the female's abdomen is noticeably enlarged, the male at this time constructs a nest of air bubbles fastened with saliva.

Then the marriage games begin, which can last from several hours to several days, and as a result the female visits the erected nest where she lays eggs, and the male fertilizes and pushes it into the nest. On average, for one roar, the cockerel is able to lay off from 100 to 300 eggs. After the spawning period, the male expels the female and takes care of the offspring.

The male picks up the fallen eggs from the bottom and fixes it in the nest, then follows the larvae spreading in different directions and returns them to their place. But the male's care of the offspring ends at the moment when the larvae turn into fry. The parental instinct disappears completely, and if it is not planted in time, it can eat the kids. During this period the fry are already able to take care of themselves, and no longer need parental care.

Malchi cockerel - from eggs to fish

While they are eggs and larvae, they do not need eggs in food, but at the moment when the male is thrown from the toddlers, they have long ceased to be eggs and become fry, able to independently find food and eat, and at this moment it is important to know what to feed the fish fry bettas. At an early age babies should be fed infusoria, a little later - small larvae of Artemia. When the fish become older, you can use special fry for fry.

There is one more important point, ignorance of which can destroy all the offspring. Labyrinth organ in males appears not at once, but only at the age of two months. Therefore, from the moment the fry leaves the nest, the aeration of the aquarium must be carried out constantly and efficiently. Approximately at the same age, when a labyrinth organ appears, the fish become relatively large, and they can be released from the rider to be kept in a common aquarium.

Fish Cockerel - Diseases

Unfortunately, there is often a situation, especially for beginner aquarists, when a small frog is sick, what to do in this case? To begin with, it is important to determine what ailment is in your aquarium. Most diseases are easily treated, and the fish completely recovers if you pay attention to its condition in a timely manner and take appropriate measures.

Fish Cockerel - Diseases and Treatment

What are the fishes of the cockerel? Due to non-compliance with the rules of maintenance and care, getting the infection into the water, aquarists often face such diseases:

  1. Fin fungus. The tail and fins descend and become as if scorched at the edges. For treatment, the reservoir is disinfected, the patients are treated with levomycitin baths.
  2. Dropsy. It is easy to determine by bloating and excrement, as if wrapped in transparent mucus. In the early stages, it is treated with tetracycline, at later stages it is no longer possible to help the fish.
  3. Oodinioz. Unfortunately, the symptoms of this disease in the early stages are almost impossible to see. On the body of the fish appears a rash, similar to the golden sand - this is the only symptom that can be noticed. For treatment use antibiotic bicillin-5, will help a weak solution of salt in the aquarium or the addition of tea.
  4. Ichthyophthyroidism. This is the most common disease of aquarium fish , known as "manga", which can be recognized by white specks on the side of the fish. To cure, the fish should be planted from a common aquarium, a little salt should be added to the water. The disease is treated with such drugs as Kontraktal, Kostapur and their analogues.

Fish does not eat cockerel

This behavior can be both a variant of the norm, and an alarming symptom. Possible reasons why a small fish do not eat a lot of fish:

How long the fish refuses to eat, is of great importance. For example, when adapting or after stress, the fish may not eat up to three days. If more time has passed, and the cockerel is still indifferent to food, the cause should be looked for deeper. In case you do not see obvious injuries or symptoms of the disease, you can, just in case, change the water and disinfect the aquarium, provide proper care.

Why is the fish rooster lying on the bottom of the aquarium?

This frightens many, especially beginning aquarists, but do not rush to panic - it does not necessarily mean that the fish of the cockerel gets sick if it lies on the bottom. There are several possible reasons for this behavior:

  1. Stress. If you just put a fish into an aquarium, and it lay on the bottom, it speaks of stress. You do not need to do anything, just give her time to get used to it.
  2. Overfeeding. Perhaps the cockerel had eaten up, his stomach became too heavy, and the fish sank to the bottom. Such a state can be dangerous, it is important to monitor the amount of poured food.
  3. Injuries. If, after active games, the cock has fallen to the bottom, chances are that he was injured.
  4. Dirty water. If the water has become dirty, at the bottom of the fish feel better.