Otitis in the child - symptoms and treatment of the disease

Otitis is called inflammation in the ear. It arises because of improper hygiene, concomitant diseases, infections. Otitis in a small child can develop because of the structure of the child's auditory system. There are different types of this disease, which affects the specificity of its diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of otitis in children

It should be noted that if the doctor diagnosed otitis media, the causes of this illness in children may vary. Inflammation is caused by pneumococci, moraxella and hemophilic rods. Bacteria get into the ear in ARVI, sinusitis, adenoids and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If the otitis occurs often, the causes may lie in the cutting teeth, which causes a runny nose and the subsequent triggering of the disease.

Main reasons:

How to determine otitis in a child?

The most difficult thing is diagnostics. Signs of otitis in the child in the initial stage may not manifest, and the disease proceeds asymptomatically. A signal for parents can be:

Otitis without temperature in a child is another type of disease. The patient feels weak and lethargic. Characteristic of the children is a decrease in appetite and restless sleep, while pain in the ear may be absent. There are other symptoms, but they differ for this or that form of ailment. A more accurate diagnosis can be made only by an otolaryngologist.

Types of otitis media in children

It is useful for parents to know if otitis is contagious for other children. You can not give an unambiguous answer, because there are several types of this ailment. They are divided according to the one in which the inflammatory process is going on from the ear sections. Species of otitis media:

Otitis in a child is contagious if the doctor has determined that this is an external type of the disease. The danger is explained by the fact that there is direct contact with the environment. If the disease has a viral or bacterial nature, then there is also a risk of infection for others. In addition to these three main types, there are a number of variations of the disease depending on the type of disease course. Only by putting the right diagnosis can you count on effective therapy.

Purulent otitis in the child

Accompanied by suppuration from the ear. This is the most dangerous sight. Affects the cavity of the eardrum. It is often found in newborns because of the specific structure of the child's ear. In older children, it occurs as a complication of certain diseases or due to improper treatment. Purulent otitis in the child is accompanied by the release of the syphilis, pus, mucus, a small admixture of blood is possible.

Exudative otitis media in children

Chronic form of otitis media. With this inflammation in the tympanic membrane, fluid (exudate) accumulates. Another name - secretory otitis in a child. Unlike purulent, with this kind of inflammation, the liquid does not flow out, but accumulates in the eye. The danger is that the patient does not experience any pain, and this greatly complicates the diagnosis, may lead to its aggravation.

Catarrhal otitis in the child

The catarrhal type is acute otitis in the child in the initial stage. The peculiarity of this form is a tangible pain in the ear, which is amplified by coughing, swallowing or sneezing. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the temporal region and give into the teeth. Often gives a fever, there is a worsening of hearing, tinnitus. Do not ignore these symptoms and engage in self-medication. Often, this form goes into a more serious - purulent otitis in the child.

Otitis in a child - what to do?

Do not panic if a small patient complains of pain or itching in the ear. In order to correctly diagnose and select therapy, you should consult a pediatric otolaryngologist (also an ENT). The doctor will examine the patient and tell in detail how to treat the ear otitis in the child. Adhering to doctor's prescriptions, you will eliminate possible negative consequences.

Than to treat an otitis at the child?

The ailment is often found in a package with other diseases, therefore it is necessary to undergo complex therapy. It is worth paying special attention to the duration of the inflammatory process in the ear, obvious symptoms, the general condition of the baby. Possible ways of treatment:

  1. Antibiotics. In most cases, especially with a purulent type, doctors use antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics for otitis in children are used when the disease is caused by an infection. Such drugs the doctor appoints in the case of its bacterial form. Antibiotic can be prescribed in the form of tablets, the active substance may contain some drops of otitis for children. Among the most popular drugs - Amoxicillin, Aminoglycoside, netilmicin, Levomycetin. It is important to remember that all drugs are taken as prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Washing. Often accompanied by inflammation in the nasopharynx. Many parents struggle with it by rinsing the nose. This method effectively removes mucus from the nasopharynx, facilitating the condition of the baby. If you do not have contraindications to this method of healing, then washing is a very effective method. It should bury the nose with vasoconstrictive drops, and after a while wash it with saline. Then the nasal cavity is cleared of mucus (it is possible by means of a special aspirator). But it is important to remember that the wrong technique of washing or with the peculiarities of the structure of the hearing aid and nasopharynx, such actions can aggravate the patient's condition, therefore such therapy is carried out only with the permission of the doctor.
  3. Homeopathy. If the disease is at an early stage, you can try alternative therapies. One such is homeopathy. This method is the reception of drugs that cause symptoms similar to the disease, due to which the body is easier to defeat the disease. Before you treat otitis in children with homeopathic methods, you should consult a doctor and find a good homeopathic specialist.

How to relieve pain in a child's otitis?

When the kid is restless and capricious, it is difficult to remain calm. It is important for parents to know how to relieve pain in a child's otitis. Now there are many anesthetics that are buried in the ears. Often these substances perform anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory functions. Note that some drugs can be hormonal, they should be used with great care and only according to the doctor's prescription. If necessary, with otitis in the child, you can give an anesthetic based on ibuprofen or paracetamol, observing the dosages for children. In addition, ear drops are used, for example, Ototon, Otipax.

Otitis in a child - treatment at home

Fighting the inflammation of the middle ear in the home is not permissible, since you do not have the opportunity to determine the form of the disease on your own. Symptoms are not always obvious, therefore, only the ENT should determine the type and stage of the disease. Treatment of otitis in children with folk remedies can lead to negative consequences and cause complications, up to complete loss of hearing. Do not treat yourself by yourself. Contact a qualified doctor for qualified medical attention.

Prevention of otitis in children

Asking how to prevent otitis in a child, one should think about preventive actions. Advice on prevention:

To prevent otitis in a child, you need to follow some tips. After each bath it is necessary to carefully clean the eyelet with the help of cotton turundochek. Babies should always remove mucus from the nose with a special tampon or aspirator. Older children need to learn how to blow your nose properly, covering your nostrils alternately, and not overdo it in the process.

An important issue that worries parents is whether to bathe a child during the period of the disease. Doctors say that not only can, but it is necessary, because the hygiene of the baby's body is especially important. Exceptions are periods of elevated temperature. It is not recommended to wet the head, since there is a high risk of water entering the eye, which can lead to deterioration. This concerns the acute form. If a small patient has a chronic type, then the otolaryngologists allow the child to bathe and wash his head.

Permanent otitis in the child - what to do?

Frequent otitis media in a child can be associated with adenoids. In this case, there is a question of their removal. The cause may be incorrect therapy and transition to a chronic stage. When the cause lies in other diseases, the first step towards treating otitis media in a child will be an increase in its immunity. To do this, you need to balance nutrition, eat quality, vitamin-rich foods, spend more time outdoors, perform physical exercises. exercises. Prevention (proper nasal hygiene, elimination of mucus) will also help in fighting the disease.

Otitis - complications in children

Complications are often caused by late or incorrect treatment. The cause may be a very severe form of the disease in conjunction with other ailments. Possible effects of otitis media in children:

In particularly severe cases, there may be more serious consequences, for example, facial paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis, sepsis, brain abscess and other serious complications that threaten the baby's life. Do not neglect the services of qualified professionals and in time to resort to their advice in order to avoid the aforementioned consequences.

Child badly hears after otitis

Hearing loss in a child after otitis is often observed within 3-4 weeks. Then the indicators come back to normal and the baby can hear, as before. In difficult and neglected cases, permanent hearing loss is possible, which sometimes leads to a complete loss of hearing. The cause may be improper treatment. Therefore, it is so important not to engage in self-healing and in time to seek the qualified help of an otolaryngologist.