Characteristics of the child

No matter how small the little children may seem, they all have their own, unique character, the most striking features of which are already evident in the first years of the child's life.

What determines the nature of the child?

The formation of the nature of the child does not happen overnight. It is influenced by the following factors:

At the beginning of the life of the crumbs, there is a clear example for imitation - his beloved parents. He consciously and unconsciously copies their behavior, which is for him the only correct one. Later, when the circle of his communication expands, the kid is surprised to realize that there are many other people in the world, big and small, who can behave quite differently, and he draws information from communication with each of them.

Temperament of your baby

A child, even a one-year-old, is already a person. And he has a certain type of temperament, which is determined by his own characteristics of character and behavior, as well as the genetic predisposition of the child. As you know, there are four basic types of human temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Let's find out what they are and how to determine the temperament of the child.

  1. Sanguine characterizes an open, kind nature, the ability to easily bear failure, "liveliness" of character, energy. Most often, these are the leaders of the children's collective, from them good leaders grow.
  2. A choleric child is very emotional, demanding, even aggressive. He is capable of passionately getting carried away by some kind of business, but if something does not work out for him, he can also become violent. Choleric is prone to frequent mood swings.
  3. The phlegmatic type of temperament is determined by such qualities as slowness, emotional stability, endurance. The phlegmatic is often lazy, his facial expressions are inexpressive, he gets used to everything new for a long time.
  4. A child with a melancholy temperament is usually shy, hurt, insecure. It is more difficult than others to adapt to the new conditions, including the collective. But at the same time he is inclined to subtle emotional experiences, punctual and organized. Such children can achieve great success in creativity: music, painting, sculpture, poetry.

These four types of temperament are rarely manifested in pure form. Most often the temperament of the child is mixed. At the same time, the features inherent in the "neighboring" types intersect: choleric / sanguine, phlegmatic / melancholic.

The child's temperament is an innate property, it is very difficult, almost impossible to change. And parents need to put up with it, do not suppress it, trying to adjust "for themselves," but only gently correct its behavioral reactions.

Education of the nature of the child in the family

Absolutely "good" or "bad" types of temperament do not exist, and in the character of each child there are both positive and negative features.

Moral features such as honesty, decency, tolerance, attention to others can and should be taught to the child in the process of education. Of course, this largely depends on the nature of the parents themselves.

Strong qualities of character kid gets mainly in communication with peers. At home, mother and father can teach the child perseverance, desire for success, determination.

Difficult, in the opinion of the parents, the character of the child can imply both excessive emotionality, quick temper, and, conversely, tearfulness, frequent change of mood, habit of complaining. And although the child "can not be remade," these characteristics of nature can still be tried to change. This should be done gradually, patiently, showing sensitivity. Do not push on the baby, do not try to "break" it, do not abuse the prohibitions and punishments.

Each child can find his own approach, knowing the nature of his character. And even if your child is "difficult", remember that he is still the most beloved!