Rowan bead - master class

Once seeing the woven rowan from beads, many people start to look for a master class on its manufacture. If you are planning to weave a mountain ash, then first you need to have patience. To make woven rowan from beads under force to everyone, using step-by-step instructions. However, the manufacture of such hand-made articles from beads, like the tree of mountain ash - is a matter of painstaking and creative work. Therefore, when starting, be prepared for the fact that the manufacture of the tree will take you several days.

Rowan from beads for beginners

About how to weave beads to rowan and how then to collect a rowan tree, we will tell you in this article.

To make ashberry we need:

The first stage of making rowan is to work with beads and wire.

  1. We take a piece of wire copper color length of 10-12 cm and string one bead of orange color closer to any edge. Then twist a little, as shown in the photo.
  2. Make a small indentation of 5 mm and string the second orange bead and twist it again, just like the first one.
  3. Then, using the same pattern, we string orange beads along the entire length of the wire, for each inflorescence they need approximately 12-15 pieces.
  4. Wire with beads twists, giving the inflorescence a natural look.
  5. For the production of one cluster of mountain ash, not less than 4-5 inflorescences (wires with beads) are required, which are then intertwined. For our rowan tree we need at least 4 magnificent bunches.
  6. Now we begin to make leaves for rowan. To do this, take a green wire length of 8-10 cm and green beads. We pass the bead into the wire so that it is in the middle and tighten.
  7. For the second row, you need to pass two beads, for the third row, two beads, three for the third, four for the fourth, three for the fifth, two for the sixth, and one bead for the eighth. The ends of the wire are twisted.
  8. The rowan branch consists of seven leaves: to the first perpendicularly we tie up the second sheet, to the second - the third, then the rest. For our tree, we need at least 11 branches of mountain ash.
  9. Arbitrarily form parts of the tree from branches and bunches.
  10. The second stage of making a rowan tree consists of working with a self-drying mass, from which we will make a tree trunk.
  11. We roll out the mass in a column, form branches and insert our "parts" of the wire and beads into them.
  12. Let the mass dry according to the rules of the instruction (usually not less than a day). Take the brown tape and begin to wind it with the trunk and branches of mountain ash.
  13. Next, we need a small flower pot, into which we insert a tree, fill it with gypsum, wait until it dries and dyed brown.
  14. Our tree is ready!

Winter ashberry from beads

It is not so difficult to make a winter rowan from beads with your own hands, as it may seem at first glance. We offer you a scheme of weaving winter rowan from beads, thanks to which work on weaving will turn into an exciting activity.

To make winter mountain ash we need:

  1. First we make snow for a rowan branch. Mix the beads of white and silver in one container.
  2. We string the beads on the wire and plait the loops on the legs: in one eyelet there are 9-10 beads.
  3. We make so that the legs are one by one. In order for the snow to look bright and lush, we make 8 loops.
  4. We received snow for one rowan bunch. We cut off from the common wire, leaving the ends free by 6-10 cm. For a rowan tree, we need at least 43 pieces.
  5. Next, we make clusters of mountain ash from red or orange beads. We string the beads on the wire.
  6. A shave by the same principle as the snow, only with the difference that we do not make loops, only the legs: on one leg - one bead.
  7. We twist a bunch of mountain ash from the beads on the legs, cut off the bunch from the common wire, leaving the ends 6-10 cm free.
  8. We wrap the clusters of mountain ash with snow: we put in bunches in the middle of the snow.
  9. The rowan tree consists of separate bunches. To make a tree you need to make at least 30 bunches. The whole structure is connected by means of a molding mass. This is how the finished tree looks!
Also from the beads you can weave and other trees , for example: sakura , tree or birch.