Omelette for a one-year-old child

It's not a secret for anyone that proper nutrition is a guarantee of health. And for babies it is important in a double, because they have the same health, only formed, or rather, laid down its foundation.

Every mom wants her baby to grow strong and healthy. Therefore, he tries to give the baby all the best. The food is not an exception. All parents tend to maximize the variety of food crumbs, make it not only tasty, but also useful. This can be done with the help of an omelet, because it is for children a real treat.

At what age should omelets be given to children?

Omelette is recommended to include in the diet of the child, when he turns one year old. Like other products, you need to introduce it gradually. Start with a small piece and look at the reaction of the baby's body. If everything went well next time, increase the portion. Over time, you can add various products to the omelet, for example cheese, tomatoes, bell pepper or spinach.

How to prepare an omelet for a child?



Wash the eggs well, break them into a bowl and whisk them carefully with a whisk or a mixer. Pour in the milk and mix again. Shape the oil with oil and pour in the mixture and place in a steamer for 15-20 minutes. A similar result can be achieved if you put an omelet in a microwave for 3 minutes.

Steam omelette is very useful for children, because it stores a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

Is it possible for a child to scram, if there are rashes?

A chicken egg, and in particular its protein, is a fairly strong allergen. If after you gave the child an omelette to try an allergic reaction, do not despair, you do not have to completely abandon this dish. You can make an omelet from quail eggs, they contain much more useful micronutrients than chicken, but do not cause allergies.

The recipe for omelet from quail eggs



Beat the eggs in the bowl (for this it is very convenient to use special scissors for quail eggs, they easily cut a part of the shell, and you do not have to fuss with it for a long time). Then whip them with a whisk or a mixer. Pour in the milk and mix again. Shape the oil with oil and pour in the mixture. In the steamer for 15-20 minutes and ready. Bon Appetit!