D-dimer in pregnancy - the norm for weeks

Such a concept, as D-dimer, in medicine is commonly understood to be individual fragments of fibrin fibers in the bloodstream, an increase in the number of which indicates the risk of blood clots. The fragments themselves are nothing but the products of fibrin cleavage. The period of their life does not exceed 6 hours. That is why their concentration in the blood stream constantly fluctuates.

Special attention is paid to the D-dimer index during pregnancy, constantly, weekly, comparing with its norm in blood. Consider this marker in more detail, and try to describe in detail how it should change during the bearing of the baby.

D-dimer standards for trimester of pregnancy

First of all, I would like to note that this marker in itself can not indicate the development of any violation. Thus, a change in the concentration in the blood of fragments of fibrin fibers can only be considered as a sign. That is why doctors always after receiving the result of analysis of D-dimer in pregnancy, which does not correspond to the norm, appoint additional studies. Given this fact, a pregnant woman should in no case try to decipher the result by herself, tk. it can depend on many factors (what kind of pregnancy in the account, one fruit or several, etc.).

If we talk about the norm of D-dimer in pregnancy, whose concentration is indicated in ng / ml, then first of all it must be said that in this period there is an increase in this indicator. This is directly related to the fact that with the onset of the gestation process, the activation of the clotting system takes place in the body of the woman - thus, it warns against possible internal bleeding.

Already from the first weeks of bearing the baby, the concentration of D-dimer in the blood of a pregnant woman is increasing. In this case, it is believed that in the first trimester, its concentration increases by a factor of 1.5. So, at the beginning of the process of bearing the baby, he is not less than 500 ng / ml, and by the end of the first trimester - 750.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, this indicator continues to grow. By the end of this time period, its concentration reaches 900 ng / ml. However, it can often exceed 1000 ng / ml.

In the third trimester of pregnancy in the absence of violations, i.e. in norm, the concentration of D-dimer in the blood reaches 1500 ng / ml. Thus, as it is easy to calculate, the level of this substance in the blood is almost three times higher than the figure that was observed at the very beginning of pregnancy.

How is the evaluation done?

As mentioned above, this indicator does not allow to accurately assess the situation, and in most cases is used as an additional study in the coagulogram.

The thing is that each organism is individual and its biochemical processes take place at different rates. That is why the above D-dimer norms are conditional and can often exceed the established limits.

In addition, assessing the indicators, doctors always pay attention to the course of the gestation process, the presence of a history of blood coagulation system diseases. For example, in the case of twin pregnancy, the level of D-dimer does not correspond to the norm, and significantly exceeds it. The explanation of this phenomenon can serve as a change in the hormonal system of the body.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, a marker such as D-dimer is used as an additional study. When assessing the results, one can not compare its concentration to the established norms, not taking into account the characteristics of pregnancy.