You are unhappy with marriage? Pros of a single life

Loneliness settles down next to you, without asking permission. But there is a category of women who gladly endure such a roommate, they do not aspire to acquire numerous descendants and a loving spouse. They find happiness only in solitude. Moreover, they manage to heed the ancient truth, which says: "Use solitude, but do not let loneliness use you." So what is a bachelor life? Let's take a more detailed look at this side of the female life, revealing all its pluses, but of course, without forgetting to raise the curtain of the side of the minuses.

Undoubted positive sides

The French call: "Appreciate freedom, until it was taken away from you!". So, one of the most famous French portals asked his readers to list a couple of advantages of a single life. Thus, divorced women, whose age ranged from 22 to 35 years, shared their arguments. So, let us bring to your attention the most common of them:

  1. In the mornings, doing yoga or exercising, you can wear such old, but at the same time so comfortable things and now there is no need to complex with relatively inelastic buttocks and a small chest.
  2. You can safely wear comfortable bras, which do not squeeze the chest at all.
  3. Dating sites can now climb without restrictions. And the most interesting thing is that this is because of the female curiosity, without worrying that once her jealous husband has caught it.
  4. Before going to sleep, and throughout the day, the bachelors can apply various masks from clay, etc., without worrying that the betrothed will find it in this form.
  5. Opportunity to bring into the house both kittens and sexual men.
  6. It becomes punctual, because from now on no one stands overhead with a stopwatch, reminding about every last second.
  7. The word "dinner" is associated not with a trip to the supermarket for groceries, but with a restaurant.
  8. She talks for a few hours with her friends, her mother on the phone, not worrying about the fact that after that the pair of loving eyes will look at her with perplexity.
  9. There is no need to carry out wax epilation at the first hair, thus saving not only money, but also sparing the nervous system.
  10. In the house, you can walk in what the mother gave birth, without worrying for her posture and not embroidered stomach.

The other side of the coin

Like the moon, which has its dark side, in the bachelor life of a woman, there are negative sides, which can not be named without mentioning such a topic.

  1. Coming home after a hard day, no one will help you to take off your shoes, you will not find someone who cooks a delicious dinner, will make a relaxing massage.
  2. In moments of desperation and longing, when you do not want to share with one friend about the painful ones, you will become lonely. After all, in response to your anxiety, you can only hear: "They are fools, they did not understand you. You did everything right. " You realize that in their words there is not a true view of the situation, but only words of support. You will miss the one who, embracing you tightly for shoulders, help to objectively look at the situation, having weighed all the pros and cons. In addition, this one, in a gentle male voice, will say: "I will always believe in you, no matter what. Remember this when you lose hope. "
  3. In his old age there will be no one to worry about, bring warm tea and cover his legs with a blanket.

But still the choice is yours: do not be limited to marriage and live without feeling remorse or become a caring mother and exemplary wife. As in the first, there and in the second case there are light and dark sides. The main thing to remember is that there is no point in kinking a stick and turning both bachelor and marital life into a living hell for you.