How to disperse the metabolism?

As soon as you noticed yourself being overweight, try to disperse the metabolism. In order to burn unnecessary kilograms, it is important not to forget about some rules, which day-to-day are reminded us by nutritionists and doctors.

How to disperse the metabolism in the body to the maximum?

  1. Refusal from low-calorie diet . It turns out that a hunger diet does extremely harm to your body. With food, he gets a dose of energy, but where to get it, if from day to day you exhaust yourself with such diets? Moreover, when they end, the body begins to rapidly accumulate reserves of vitamins and minerals, and this does not contribute to the acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Practice fractional meals . Want you to always be able-bodied? Then eat every 3 hours. It is enough to have a snack with vitaminized snacks. Thus, the body will not put food aside, and stress will not affect its condition.
  3. We follow the amount of fats and carbohydrates . Let the priority be products containing protein (cottage cheese, lean meat). This kind of food is slowly processed, and, therefore, speeds up the process of metabolism. What should be discarded, so it's from sugar and simple carbohydrates in general (honey, jam, soda, white bread).
  4. Water . Dissolve the metabolism will help take a glass of water for half an hour before the start of any meal. Moreover, after awakening and before going to sleep do not forget about the water. By the way, we do not consider tea, coffee, juices and other water.
  5. Sports . Once you take regular physical exertion, your muscle tissue will tell you only "thank you." Moreover, during sports all processes are accelerated, including metabolism.
  6. Special products . These include those that improve metabolism: grapefruit, oatmeal, green tea, soy milk, turkey, coffee, spinach, apple, yogurt, curry, cinnamon.

How to disperse the metabolism at home?

So, you do not need to go to doctors to improve your metabolism . For this, the following is enough for all of the above:

How to disperse the metabolism after 40 years?

Starting from this age, the metabolism in women slows down by 25%, and this indicates that it's time to take care of yourself beloved. So, it is important to have a full breakfast, exclude malnutrition, do not forget about spices ( turmeric , cinnamon, etc.), helping to speed up the metabolism. We eat lean protein (fish). In a day we drink 4-5 cups of green tea, and also do not forget about easy charging and constant movement.