Marinated garlic for the winter

Marinated garlic is loved even by those who do not recognize it at all in the fresh form. After all, the teeth do not have such pronounced acute taste and, most importantly, after its use there is absolutely no smell from the mouth, because of which they refuse this useful product. How to pickle garlic for the winter, now we will tell you.

How to pickle garlic for the winter with denticles?



  1. Garlic lobules are cleaned from the husks, and we lay them on prepared parboiled jars.
  2. Fill the denticles with boiling water and let it stand for about 3 minutes, then drain the water.
  3. Select 300 ml of liquid, bring to a boil. Saharim, salt, put spices. Cook the marinade until the ingredients are completely dissolved. We pour in the vinegar. Pour the marinade into the garlic.
  4. Close the jars with boiled lids and wrap them around. After the jars have cooled, we remove them in the cold for further storage.

Pickled Garlic for Winter Heads



  1. Garlic is good for washing, blanching, we throw it on a sieve and cool it with cold water.
  2. Put the heads in the jars, add the peas of black pepper and cloves. We take a quantity of spices, based on our own preferences.
  3. We prepare marinade from vinegar, water, salt and sugar. There we throw the laurel leaf.
  4. Fill the heads of garlic with a prepared marinade. From the top we cover with gauze and we keep the weeks for 3 warm. Then we close the lids and send them for storage.

Delicious marinated garlic for the winter - recipe



  1. Garlic is cleaned of dirt, excess husks and my good.
  2. At the bottom of the jars we lay black pepper with peas, cloves. We place the heads of garlic on top.
  3. Fill with boiling water, cover and leave for a day.
  4. For the marinade we boil water, salt, sugar and cook until it dissolves. At the very end, we pour vinegar. With garlic, we drain the water, pour in the marinade and roll.

How to pickle garlic for the winter in cans with beet juice?



  1. Cook the marinade by adding salt and sugar to the water, and when the ingredients are dissolved, pour in the vinegar.
  2. We put the heads of garlic in steamed jars and pour a marinade with beet juice on top.
  3. Sterilize the half-liter jars 15 minutes in a water bath.
  4. Then we roll them with tin lids and send them to storage.

Marinated garlic for the winter without sterilization



  1. First we will prepare the beet juice. Beet three on a grater, add about 20 ml of water and squeeze through a sieve or gauze.
  2. Garlic is dismantled and shredded. Blanch their minutes 3 in boiling water, then cool.
  3. Banks are sterilized.
  4. We prepare marinade from prepared water, salt and sugar. Already in the end we pour vinegar.
  5. Prepared marinade pour garlic, cork and turn over.
  6. Keep this blank in the cold. About a week later, garlic will be ready.

Successful all blanks!