Homemade Apple Wine - Recipe

Wine is a very tasty and refined drink. And if it is cooked yet and not from traditional grapes - the taste of wine becomes especially interesting. We offer recipes for making home-made apple wine.

Homemade wine from apple juice



Let's look at the recipe for apple wine from juice . How to dissolve in juice 2/3 sugar. You can first dissolve half the amount of sugar, then add and dissolve the second half of the sugar. Next, you must leave the juice to ferment (before adding the starter). Leave for about a week and a half to ferment. Then, after this period, we add vodka. 6 liters of wine is added 600 grams of vodka. Leave to be insisted for another five days. After our wine is ready to filter it, add the rest of the sugar, mix well until dissolved and pour on the beautiful bottles in which you will serve the drink on the table.

A fruitful year has come out and do not know where you can still use the remaining apples? Just imagine a simple recipe for apple home wine.

Wine from apples



The amount of ingredients is selected "by eye". All apples (anyway, what grade) are passed through the juicer, the juice merges into a glass bottle for wine under a water seal. The remaining cake is filled with water - about half the juice volume. After two or three days, the contents are squeezed through the gauze and added to the bottle with juice. Gradually, during the fermentation, sugar is added. As soon as they saw that there were not enough bubbles, pour it on. Only a little bit, because in the apples of his sugar on the classical fortress 5-6% (it's more likely to be cider) and so should suffice. If you want wine, add more sugar. Do not forget to periodically drain the sediment, otherwise the taste will deteriorate. Using such a simple recipe, you get a delicious apple wine.

Home-made apple wine on many recipes was made by our grandfathers. Let's get acquainted with one of them.

Homemade wine from apples with cinnamon



Apples should be washed, then cut into small slices and pour a bowl or pot. To apples, add water, cinnamon and cook until the mass is softened. Then we rub the mass through a sieve and set it on fermentation. After fermentation, the must is filtered and added sugar, let the wine settle and filter again. Ready-made apple wine must be bottled and stored in a cool place.

A very interesting recipe for the preparation of apple wine, which is also called cider, was invented by the French.

French cider



You can prepare cider by using both acidic and sweet varieties of late apples. It is important that you can use slightly spoiled, fallen apples, in which the natural process of fermentation has already begun.

Apples should be washed properly, then grated or grated, or passed through a meat grinder along with peel, seeds. It turns out puree apple mass, which is hermetically sealed and wanders for several days in a natural way. Then a light wine or in another way - cider is filtered. It is desirable - several times. Further bottled in bottles and put in a cool place (better - in the basement).

It is very important to make sure that your home-made apple cider does not ferment and does not turn into fortified wine or, even worse, into vinegar. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly check the condition of the drink and stop the fermentation process in about three to five days. At the same time, a light, pleasant, low-alcoholic drink will turn out.