Shrimp in the aquarium - simple care rules

Shrimp in the aquarium are kept at least as often as fish or turtles. These beautiful aquarium inhabitants are not at all demanding in feeding and nursing, so they can pretend to be the ideal pet for beginner aquarists. They multiply rapidly and rarely get sick if the temperature regime is observed.

Shrimp in the aquarium - species

All invertebrates can be conditionally divided into species, classifying them in relation to one or another type and level of availability on sale. Transparent aquarium shrimp is less common than cheap cherry Neocaridina denticulata with a bright color. The most decorative look of such species as:

  1. Neocaridina white. It is also called "snowy" because of the characteristic milky-white armor plate.
  2. Caridina spongicola. Shrimp - "harlequin" with a mottled three-color color, was bred in Indonesia and belongs to the most timid species.
  3. Leander Modestus. Khankai shrimp is similar to river cancer as the size and color of the shell.
  4. Cardinal. A large breed, considered elite due to its high cost. In individuals of this species, a dark shell of burgundy or brown with contrasting bright spots.
  5. Macrobrachium carcinus and Penaeus monodon. American long-winged and tiger shrimps belong to large individuals prone to cannibalism.

Cherry shrimp in the aquarium

The type of freshwater shrimps of Neocaridina denticulata sinensis is called cherry , because they have a bright, spectacular coloring in the red and pink range. It is popular with both novice aquarists and experienced people because of what is considered the easiest in content. Cherry shrimp in the aquarium can become neighbors of fish or other invertebrates, given the peculiarities of the species:

  1. With age, the color of the carapace of Cherry changes to a paler one. This is not an indicator of health problems, although in all other species the changed color of the shell is a signal about the presence of some kind of disease.
  2. The males and females have different temperaments. If the first differ small-sized body and increased activity, the latter exceed them in size and lead a slow way of life.
  3. Shrimp in an aquarium such as cherry better reproduce and live longer in containers with lush vegetation. A lot of long-legged plants and mosses help them to grow their offspring calmly.

Blue shrimps in the aquarium

Shrimp Blue Tiger was bred in South China in 2007: the price for each individual is the higher the saturated color of its shell. The blue shrimp in the aquarium requires the owner of his experience and ability to maintain a high-quality genetic line. It should be considered when breeding the Blue Tiger, that the blue pigment is often not inherited. This species likes to eat boiled frozen seafood, beans and zucchini.

Yellow Aquarium Shrimp

Shrimp Yellow Canary can live in an aquarium with a volume of 10 liters and excellently feel in both soft and hard water. Because of the low immunity, spoiled as a result of breeding, it should be periodically fed with spirulina tablets. Domestic shrimps in the aquarium behave peacefully, so they can become neighbors to any non-aggressive species.

Tiger shrimp in the aquarium

In contrast to all the above species, shrimps that refer to the species of aquarium Tigers do not like the abundance of vegetation and soil. But they like the content of wood in the substrate of the container, from which they take nutrients. Individuals of this species have contrasting striae on the back and abdomen, and the main color can have one of the following shades:

Shrimp in the aquarium - content

The capacity in which pets are kept is called shrimp. Since invertebrates like to lead a secretive way of life, it is better to place decorative shelters and grottos from safe plastic in containers. The main problem that arises in clarifying the details of how to contain shrimp in an aquarium is filtration. In a filter of any type can get themselves as shrimp, and young, so the only possible option is the ordinary sponge.

Primer for aquarium shrimp

The choice of coating for the bottom of the tank is not as important as it is for creating a biosphere for fish. If the fish tolerate quartz soil badly, then it is absolutely safe for invertebrates. There are only three criteria to understand what is needed for shrimp in an aquarium as a soil:

  1. Fraction. The particle size of the soil should not exceed 2-5 mm. Sharp edges can injure the shell or limbs.
  2. Shade. Perhaps this is purely visual, but on a background of dark ground shrimp look more vivid.
  3. The thickness of the layer. River or magazine bulk material is advisable to lay a layer of 2-3 cm.

The water temperature for the shrimp in the aquarium

Shrimp can live at a temperature of 15 to 30 ° C and get used to changing temperature conditions. When transplanting them into a new container, you need to collect water in the aquarium and wait half an hour before starting the pets. Since they are considered cold-blooded living organisms, then at 18 ° C and lower their activity slows down, as are the metabolic processes in the body. The temperature for the shrimp in the aquarium, if they refer to the Sulawesi species, should not fall below 24 ° C, since this species is considered to be the only thermophilic species.

Compatibility of aquarium shrimps

The desire to diversify the inhabitants of the aquarium sooner or later arises from any breeder. Multi-species shrimps look very unusual in the interior of an apartment or house of any style. Shrimp in a common aquarium should be combined according to the following rules:

  1. The creation of hybrid shrimp should not be the goal of coexistence of different species. Such experiments often result in the appearance of ugly individuals with mutations.
  2. The simplest way to understand if shrimp are suitable for habitation as neighbors is to determine if they belong to the same species. Filterers, like the pets of the Serrat or Sulawesi group, feel as comfortable as possible alongside representatives of the same group.
  3. Large shrimps should not live in the same tank with small shrimps. Species such as Caridina breviata, Neocaridina palmata and Caridina maculate can eat children of other shrimp or even eat adult representatives.

Care of shrimp in the aquarium

Endurance helps these pets not to be whimsical in their care. They can live in aquariums of almost any size and have a minimum of requirements for the illumination capacity. Telling how to care for shrimp in an aquarium, experts recommend:

  1. Control of oxygen level. If invertebrates are indifferent to the chemical composition of water, oxygen deficiency can affect the level of their immunity, so the habitat must be aerated.
  2. Obstruction of the acidity of the environment. The sour ph-level of water destroys the chitinous cover, because shrimps like to live in an aquarium with a neutral or alkaline medium. For the same reason, soft water, enriched with calcium salts, is dangerous for them.

What do aquarium shrimps eat?

In natural conditions, these organisms are omnivorous: they feed on dead algae, fallen leaves, microorganisms and practically all organic material falling into the water. The food for aquarium shrimps could be just as unpretentious and varied if some of its species did not pollute the water. The diet depends on the living conditions of the shrimp:

  1. Mono-aquarium. If invertebrates of one or several species live without fish, they need an additional portion of vitaminized food. The main food products are algae and bloodworm.
  2. In one tank with fish. In such an eco-environment, shrimp becomes a medic, picking up food that the fish have not eaten. She sips seaweed on the glass, performing the function of a cleaner, but can also eat a dead fish.

How do shrimp in the aquarium multiply?

Shrimp refers to the dioecious living organisms, therefore for the generation of offspring a couple consisting of a male and a female is required. Visually, they are not difficult to distinguish from each other due to the difference in the size of individuals: the female has a wide tail and convex sides. Reproduction of shrimp in the aquarium takes place in several stages:

  1. Achievement of sexual maturity by the female. At her under the tail part there are yellow eggs, which in the future and fertilizes the partner. Invertebrate begins to secrete pheromones, which cause males to get involved in the persecution.
  2. Contractions between males. Potential partners find out which of them is worthy to become a father in the course of fights, then the winner brings his seed to the female by the tail.
  3. Development of fertilized eggs. Shrimp in the aquarium hatches eggs up to 4-6 weeks: the specific period depends on the temperature and the presence of salt in the water.
  4. The birth of shrimp larvae. After the birth, they will go through 12 stages of development, before they become like adult shrimps.

Disease of shrimp in the aquarium

Like fish or turtles, shrimp are susceptible to a wide range of diseases caused by infections or improper care. Sometimes, in order to find out why shrimp in the aquarium die, it is necessary to consistently exclude a whole range of possible causes. Diagnosis of invertebrate diseases for beginners will be difficult, but it is worth remembering a list of at least the main ones:

  1. Crustacean viruses. Outwardly, the disease manifests itself lethargic, lack of appetite, a change in color to a darker tone and a lag in growth. Since there is no treatment, only preventive measures can be used to strengthen immunity with proper nutrition and vitamin supplements.
  2. Infections caused by pathogenic bacteria. They appear against the background of deterioration in the state of water or disruption of the integrity of the body of the invertebrate - for example, trauma or limb loss. During treatment, the shrimp density of any species in the aquarium should be reduced and the diet should be revised to reduce portions.
  3. Fungal diseases. Mycosis of these invertebrates is dangerous for humans, for shrimp themselves, it causes 100% mortality within 2 days. Appearing in the aquarium, water mushrooms sprout into the inner tissues of its inhabitants and destroy the larvae.
  4. Diseases provoked by poor nutrition and toxins. Changed water composition and nutrient deficiency cause "soft transparent shell syndrome", the surface of which becomes vulnerable, and the shrimp itself begins to devour its fellow humans.
  5. Infection with parasites. Shrimp in the aquarium can be exposed to outbreaks of parasite attacks that occur due to stagnant water or its elevated temperature. Suppress their activity by adding a probiotic to the aquarium.