Diet with urate stones in the kidneys

Kidney diseases can lead to a number of complications, therefore, it is necessary to treat the revealed pathologies during the treatment. Urinary formations in the kidneys are often found. Stones can also be found in the bladder. They are formed from urate, that is, salts in which a significant amount of uric acid is present. The doctor prescribes treatment, choosing tactics individually. These can be conservative methods or an operation. If the doctor sees an opportunity to do without surgical intervention, then the mandatory condition for successful therapy is the observance of certain rules in nutrition.

What foods are forbidden to eat under urates?

Some dishes are categorically contraindicated to patients who have found similar formations. Diet with urate stones in the kidneys involves the exclusion of the following foods from the diet:

Recommendations for compiling a diet

It is not enough just to exclude a number of products from the menu, a diet with urate stones in the kidneys implies a number of other limitations and points that require attention.

In this case, the disease should be abandoned from fish and caviar, their use is allowed in rare cases, about once a month.

Meat contains purines, which are a component of urate. Therefore, meat dishes should also be limited. It is better to eat low-fat varieties, you can not mutton, the best option will be a bird. You can use it only in a cooked form and not often.

With urate stones in the kidneys, it is important to achieve their dissolution, and this helps the diet, which should include certain foods. It is recommended to eat apples, grapes, watermelon. Raw and boiled vegetables, cereals, and dairy products will be useful. You can eat pasta, bread coarsely.

It is important to drink a lot of liquid, for example, it can be water or mors, useful jelly.