Treatment of mycoplasmosis in women

The causative agents of this disease are microorganisms, the varieties of which affect the mucous tissues of the genitourinary system, intestines and respiratory organs. In women, the most common diseases of the genital area are caused by Micoplasma hominis (mycoplasma hominis) and Micoplasma genitalium (mycoplasma genitalia). They are transmitted when unprotected sex, as well as oral-genital contact.

How and what to treat mycoplasmosis in women?

The treatment of mycoplasmosis is to suppress the growth of opportunistic pathogens. Scheme of treatment of mycoplasmosis will look like this:

  1. Antibacterial therapy (most often antibiotics of the class of macrolides or fluoroquinolones). Treatment of mycoplasmosis with antibiotics is mandatory, but in the first trimester of pregnancy, antibiotic treatment is highly undesirable, therefore, in this case, the administration of antibiotics is prescribed for the treatment of Micoplasma hominis from the second trimester, and the treatment with antibiotics Micoplasma genitalium is prescribed urgently.
  2. Local therapy (candles, irrigation). It is used to treat mycoplasmosis in women.
  3. Immunomodulating drugs (vitamins, dietary supplements).
  4. Restoration of the balance of microflora (preparations containing microorganisms that support a healthy microflora of the intestine and genital tract).
  5. Re-examination of microflora one month after the end of the course.
  6. It should be noted that parallel treatment of the sexual partner is required in order to avoid re-infection.

Is it possible to completely cure mycoplasmosis?

After the therapy, the number of bacteria is reduced to a minimum, but the insidiousness of this disease is that with the weakening of immunity, psychological stress, and surgical interventions (abortions), their growth can begin again.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis with folk remedies

For effective treatment of mycoplasmosis in women , in order to improve immunity and suppress unpleasant sensations such as burning and itching, it is possible to use folk remedies:

It should be noted that treatment with folk remedies will be effective only in conjunction with traditional medicines prescribed for the treatment of mycoplasmosis.

And finally, we note that the treatment scheme presented here is not a panacea, and in each individual case competent consultation of a gynecologist is required.