How not to get sick during pregnancy?

It's not a secret for anyone that when a baby is born, the immune system of the mother is weakened, and therefore frequent colds that used to go around her are possible. Not every woman knows how not to get sick during pregnancy, but this is very important. ARVI and influenza have a negative impact on the condition of the fetus, its development and the placenta, which suffers first.

Be that as it may, do not get sick when pregnancy is helped by fairly simple recommendations. If you follow them daily, turning into a kind of ritual, then the benefit will be noticeable even when the baby is born. After all, a mother who leads a healthy lifestyle is a worthy example for inheritance.

Recommendations of a pregnant woman, how not to fall ill during the cold season

From the very first days, as soon as the future mother finds out what awaits the baby, you need to start changing your lifestyle. Especially important is the season of colds. It should be:

As you know, do not get sick with flu or SARS pregnant will help a positive attitude. So it takes a lot of positive emotions and friendly people in the environment, so that the time of bearing the baby for the future mother was cloudless.