Green tea in pregnancy

Understanding that soon she will become a mother, somehow obliges a woman scrupulously to revise the diet of her food right up to the smallest things. After all, it depends on what kind of food goes into her body, and the correct and full development of the baby depends. Sooner or later, before each future mother, a dilemma arises as to whether green tea can be pregnant.

The technology of processing raw materials, from which green tea is obtained, allows to preserve the maximum of its positive qualities. However, there are also negative aspects of the regular use of this product in large doses. The intake of green tea during pregnancy should be reduced for several reasons, namely:

  1. The presence of caffeine in its composition in the most negative way affects the condition of the body of a woman waiting for a baby. Frequent symptoms are increased blood pressure and heart palpitations, which are particularly undesirable in the second trimester of gestation.
  2. Caffeine has the ability to influence the intrauterine development of the child, to provoke the appearance of a premature baby.
  3. Scientifically proven that green tea during pregnancy can reduce the effectiveness of "work" of folic acid . This microelement takes an important part in the laying of all organs and systems of the fetus, brain and skeleton, which is especially important at the initial stage of gestation. The lack of full-fledged assimilation by the body of pregnant folic acid is fraught with abnormalities in growth and an increased risk of having a child with congenital malformations.

How much can you drink green tea for pregnant women?

There is an opinion that a woman in the situation can receive a day not more than 200 ml of caffeine. In translation for more understandable measures this quantity is commensurate with 4 standard cups of green tea. However, one must take into account the fact that caffeine enters the body and with other products, such as: chocolate, coffee, cocoa, refreshing and refreshing drinks, colas and much more. You can consume green tea to pregnant women in the amount of no more than 2 glasses per day. It is this dose that can not only exclude the negative impact on the mother and child, but also make a positive contribution.

What is the benefit of green tea for pregnant women?

The fact that the beverage described is rich in various substances that have a beneficial effect on human health is not surprising to anyone. Long ago, scientists and laymen around the world were convinced that green tea is an extremely powerful antioxidant that can strengthen immunity and prevent the rapid aging of cells. Green tea during pregnancy replenishes stocks of such microelements as: magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. Also, the correct use of this drink perfectly stabilizes the pressure, improves the work of the heart and blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and normalizes blood sugar.

Knowing whether green tea is useful to pregnant women helps future mothers cope with the strongest manifestations of toxicosis in the early stages. Also, its correct use contributes to the fight against calcium deficiency and, as a result, with brittle nails, joint pains and dental problems.

Understanding why pregnant women can not green tea in the usual amounts, will become one of the components of a successful and full-fledged gestation. In the use of any products you need to observe a certain measure, and the drink from the leaves of green tea is not at all an exception. Therefore, it is advisable at the planning stage of pregnancy to find out whether green tea is harmful to pregnant women and, if possible, reduce its intake to the desired amount.