Lecho with tomato paste

Lecho is usually a billet for the winter, which includes tomatoes, onions and bell peppers. Vegetables are filled with hot tomato sauce based on juice or tomato paste. In the recipes below, we will consider the latter option.

Recipe lecho with tomato paste



In the saucepan, dilute the tomato paste with water and put the mixture on the fire. Once the tomato sauce starts to boil, season it with salt and sugar.

While the sauce is boiling, chop the onion into small pieces. Similarly, cut the Bulgarian pepper and mix all the ingredients in the tomato sauce.

In a frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil and fry on it carrots with mushrooms until golden. After, fried ingredients together with vegetable oil are transferred to a common pan with tomato sauce. Bring the sauce back to a boil and cook lecho with tomato paste and carrots for 25 minutes. At the end of the cooking, add the vinegar.

Ready vegetables in tomato sauce can be served to the table hot, immediately after cooking, you can cool and put in a sealed container, and you can even pour on sterile jars and roll for the winter.

Lecho of courgettes with tomato paste



Tomato paste is bred in water and mixed with salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Put the sauce on the fire and cook until boiling over medium heat, then leave to pour for about 10 minutes, until thick.

In the meantime, let's start preparing the vegetables. Pepper for lecho with tomato paste is better to cut into rings or semirings, onions - in a similar way, zucchini and tomatoes - cubes. Once all the vegetable ingredients have been prepared, we begin to lay them in the sauce. First come the pepper and onions, they should be boiled for 10 minutes. Then add tomatoes and zucchini and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes.

We prepare the lecho and add the necessary spices to taste, if necessary. You can serve lecho immediately, but you can close it for the winter.